posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 08:04 PM
Should we give up? Resign ourselves to our doom? Are we even worth saving if our self-interest has reached such monumental proportions that we have an
utter lack of regard for - future generations? Other people's misery? Destruction of the ecosystems? Someone outside of ourselves?
I'm not waving a flag saying we are all going to die. However if anybody wishes to point a finger at something and say Consipiracy!! I'm feeling
plenty suspicious about the lack of interest.
Imagine an official media person come right out with official sounding reports and evidence, etc, etc, that.... Aliens have landed and made contact
with our government.
Let me ask this, how long before the furor dies down? If there is no immediate change to your life because of this information is it slowly
disregarded, like yesterdays hottest headline usually is? Is this a natural social condition of the human species or have we been trained to gasp and
be outraged and horrified, until something else grabs our attention?
To me the possiblity that the human race may have affected the global environment to the point of no-return (which is being discussed as a
possibility), that is, to say the least Concerning!! I have waited around for the follow-up, any kind of real follow-up to this and there is nothing??
I'm sorry but recycle your rubbish (which I do) doesn't strike me as a global solution. Be Green?? Yup all good, but is it Enough??
Ok and here's the other problem. The Earth has been around for millions of years, so they tell me. It's been hit by asteroids and there have been
floods, ice-ages, etc. And so far? It's still 'breathing'. So okay. Perhaps the world being on the edge of imminent collapse is a bit far-fetched.
However our environment is changing, and at an accelerated rate. If it changes too drastically we are not equipped to surivive through it. It will be
a case of natural selection gone rampant.
So perhaps the apathy isn't some great conspiracy. Perhaps it's an instinct that we have over-populated this planet and "something" needs to
happen to reduce our unsupportable population mass to more sustainable levels.