posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:17 AM
The railroad you are talking about was mentioned by T.D. barns in an interview which he stated was used to transport things. He said he worked on some
kind of underground nuclear project around their. L.A. times recent article.
If you go west of A51 pass papoose lake to the dry lake bed beneath the nuclear crater field a.k.a yucca strip you will see 3 facilities. On the right
is one with a runway and a few non-descript buildings, but if go left bottom you see another site which has more non-descript buildings. To the left
of these structures is a mountain with 2 storage tanks on top, right above that is a poorly camofluaged tunnel leading directly into the mountain.
Purpose unknown to me anyway. You may have known that but it raises cool questions and ideas. I have seen past posts asking about the runway to the
right of the lake bed and I saw replies of oh the fly boys use that for target practice and when they destroy it people come in an rebuild it which is
impractical and makes no sense. You can cleary see aircraft parked there and a road leading from this facility to the site on the right. Dropping off
workers and materials for this area is my guess.