posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 11:53 PM
You may call folks sheep. I call them sane. In most cases anyways.
How many of the wild, insane theories proposed on these boards ever come to pass? 1 in 100? in 1000? in 10,000?
And you wonder why people ignore the ramblings.
Heck, just take 2012 for instance. You are going to wake people up to what? That we are going to have (in no particular order): Killer meteor -
magnetic, world changing shift - huge killer earthquake - magnetic space dust shutting down all power on the planet - A killer star is going to
float by screw up the planet good with its gravity - aliens are going to come.. and do war or enslave us - NWO is set to take over that year,
killing off many people for population control.
I've heard every single one of those ideas SERIOUSLY proposed on these boards. With in-depth arguments, charts, 'professionals' chiming in, you
name it. Now, if you were on the outside looking in, what would you do? Would you randomly pick one? Or would you think the entire load was a bunch
of hooey?
Considering the conspiracy theorists can't even make up their mind what happened (I've heard no less than 4 completely different and all very
supposedly correct ideas on what REALLY happend on 9/11 for example), you really expect the "sheeple" to take one of your sides.
Most of this stuff is gibberish. There are some nuggets out there, but most of those are in regards to things like the economy and government
scandals, which are nothing new since governments have existed honestly.
I only reply because I get a bit sick of the snide, looking-down-the-nose attitude folks on this board get towards others who don't buy into all
their conspiracies. Don't believe what you say? Then they are obviously sheeple.. stupid idiots who couldn't reason their way out of a brown paper
bag. That attitude disgusts me.