posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 05:26 AM
Another glorious global recession and yet another fabulous idea to get us out of the recession.
How much interest and debt do we have to pay off to the International Monatery Fund and World Bank?
I laughed after the G20 summit, the world leaders came out and said... $1.1 Trillion to save our economy, where did this money appear from?
The world bank?
The IMF?
Most certainly...
If both banks had all that money to begin with why did we have a global recession?
Why do they need all that money?
Why did we require to have a global meeting of the major powers in the world to come out and say.. we have $1.1 trillion to save our economy
Does the world bank and IMF act like high street banks to actual whole countries and major bussinesses? If so, how much interest will we have to pay
back on $1.1 trillion? Will we be able to pay back $1.1 trillion PLUS interest?
I don't think so, It will however save us in the short run and then maybe around 2012-2016 we will most certainly have yet another Global recession
and hey presto the world bank and IMF will give us around $8.5 trillion to save our economy
This does lead me to believe that the Rothschild family and Bilderberg group run the world,
As the saying goes.... HE WHO HATH THE MONEY, HATH THE LAW.
Here is a link to previous recessions
And a link to read up on the history of the Rothschilds
The Bilderberg Group