posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Originally posted by selfisolated
In my limited British perspective of US politics, I've heard a lot about the 'two-party system' - ie Democrats and Republicans being the only
people worth bothering with come election time across the pond.
It is because the two reigning parties have made sure that third parties have a very hard time entering the system.
Just about downright impossible. and it should be illegal in my book. All parties should be considered. Other parties that try to make it in is
libertarian, green, independent, and a few others. a third party candidate has to get a significant amount of votes.
The party system is no where in teh Us Constitution. It was not designed that way by the founding fathers, but the party system started getting into
place by the second presidency. For the same reasons they are instilled today. There are two different groups with tow different agendas trying to get
Since the two party sysem has been instilled so long, the idea has to slowly sink in that a third party is acceptable, But americans can kind of be
resiliant to change, and we like to do things carefully, and are just a little afraid of trying an unknown party.
Since both have long track records and histories, we can use that information to decide.But that is hard to do with a brand new party.
But people are warming up to it. The two parties have turned everyone off so badly that people think change is needed, and that the parties are
corrupt and no longer have the interests of the American people.
I do apologize for my overseas friends for having to deal or hear about our politics at all.