posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 11:56 PM
There seems to be a flaw with the purported plan of the NWO to commit mass genocide of the American people and then possibly other people around the
world. This is that killing hundreds of millions of people by force, poison or starvation is simply inefficient. If this incredibly well organized
group of intelligent people are planning something like this, then they would have surely came up with a multitude of more efficient ways. If they do
indeed succeed in their plan to create a global government, they could peacefully reduce the population with much less risk. For in example, if in two
weeks from now they just started killing millions of people in America, it would ruin their plan--many other countries would try to help, it would
alert everyone else in the whole world that something is going on...which would be incredibly stupid of them, and anyone who lived would refuse to go
a long with it after many of their friends and families were killed. Now why would the NWO put themselves at such risk, when they could do it
peacefully and with no one to point the finger at them. I'm sure they've learned by now (especially after Hitler) that Incrementalism is the only
way to success...if you go in guns ablaze (like Hitler) it is destined to fail. Image, if Hitler didn't kill the Jews but instead he didn't permit
them to have children and instead of going to war formed slow alliances and created a EU type thing were Germany had it's fingers in it all--by now
all the Jews in Germany would be gone and the Third Reich would still stand. The NWO is smart, they have the technology, they have the intelligence
and they have a plan. I'm sure by now they have the toxins to destroy your reproductive capabilities...that would be a more sensible plan, if they
wish to achieve success. An simpler plan would be to take over the globe slowly and silently (like they're doing) and get all their media monkeys to
push the population crisis issue, fake disasters that, make it look like our large population is destroying us (which most of us already think) and in
20 to 50 years population reduction and regulation would be a staple of human society. As for taking over the countries in the world--that doesn't
need to be done by force...look at the world right now--the United Nations, the Eu it's already started and they didn't have to kill millions...they
just had to make phone calls, fill out paper work, and bribe people. It is simpler than it seems. I will be surprised if the NWO does things the way
people have speculated--for that way of taking over the world is unreasonable and just has a lower probable success rate. I'm sure their are even
more efficient ways to take over the world or reduce population that a lot of you can think of.