posted on Apr, 7 2009 @ 05:22 PM
It is interesting to see that people are still trying to insist that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons.
According to every report released by the IAEA, Iran is not in any way conducting the level of enrichment necessary to create a nuclear weapon. It is
not just the IAEA saying this as all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies concur. The US Secretary of Defense stated publicly exactly this fact.
Even Israel has stated that it would be easy to tell if Iran started trying to enrich for weaponised materials, and that Iran is not currently
involved in such enrichment nor capable of it.
The difference between enriching for power generation, and enriching for weaponised materials, is a HUGE difference. It requires very different
equipment which Iran does not have. Iran is enriching material for power generation alone.
Under the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which both the United States and Iran have signed, Iran has a legal right to build power
stations. Again, under the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which both the United States and Iran have signed, the United States is
OBLIGATED to assist Iran in building a nuclear power station.
Iran has signed the Non-nuclear proliferation treaty, unlike Israel who HAS sold US nuclear technology to China. If the US were to instead help Iran
build nuclear power plants, as we are obligate to do under the agreement, it would allow us to more closely monitor the construction details to make
sure everything was on the up and up. This is why Diplomacy is a good idea. It would allow us to keep our foot in the door, so to speak.
So, while many keep sticking to the idea that Iran is a nuclear nightmare ready to attack, Perhaps we should let Diplomacy enter the picture and end
the Bias nonsense about the danger of weapons that do not exist.
To inject some reality into the discussion: How many countries has Iran attacked? You would have to go back to Biblical times 2000 years ago to
demonstrate that Iran is a nation that attacks it's neighbors.