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Breaking News, Japan: UFO almost causes Asian WW3

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:10 PM
An astonishing revelation regarding UFOs is being reported in some initial media reports relating to the very recent Japanese false alarm regarding an alleged North Korean missile attack. The entire population of Japan is in a state of utter panic and anger and an international crisis might well all be the result of irresponsible actions of extraterrestrial tourists flying a UFO from North Korea to Japan on a sightseeing expedition.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:15 PM
Sorry, the author and website have no credibility as far as I am concerned.
Feel free to back it up with facts -- preferably not in Chinese as Mr. Cohen has done.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Smack

Translation of early report;

The Beijing News reported on April 5 day 4, is making every effort to alert the Korean launch of the "missile" in the Japanese government nervous, "A non." 错误的向国民发布“朝鲜已发射飞行物”的消息。 Issued to the wrong people, "North Korea has launched flying objects," the message. 虽然这一消息迅速被政府宣布为“误报”,但仍引发日本上下一片慌乱。 Although the message quickly by the government declared a "false positive", but still caused a panic in Japan from top to bottom.

   NHK全国速报假消息 NHK reported that the national rate of false news

当天早上,朝鲜方面宣布即将发射“光明星2号”卫星。 Day morning, the DPRK announced the upcoming launch of the "Star Light No. 2" satellite. 但直到截稿时,发射并未实施。 However, until the deadline, the launch has not been implemented. 朝鲜此前已宣布,将在4月4日到8日择机发射“光明星2号”卫星,但美日韩三国均称,朝鲜实际发射的是“大浦洞2� ��”洲际弹道导弹,日本也下令,将用导弹防御系统拦截可能落向日本的朝鲜发射物。 North Korea had been announced in the April 4 to 8 day opportunity to launch the "Star Light No. 2" satellite, but the United States, Japan and South Korea have said the actual launching of the DPRK are "Taepodong-2" intercontinental ballistic missile, Japan has also ordered , will be used to intercept a missile defense system may drop North Korea from the Japanese launch of the material.

4日早上9时左右,朝鲜官方媒体宣布,准备工作已经完毕,卫星马上就要发射。 Day 4 at about 9 am, North Korea's official media announced that preparation work has been completed, the satellite will be launched immediately. 消息一出来,日本方面立即高度戒备。 One message out of Japan on high alert immediately.

4日12时16分(北京时间11时16分),日本政府突然向媒体和各地方政府发布紧急消息:“朝鲜已发射飞行物!”该消息� ��即在日本全国公共电视台NHK以“速报”的形式播出。 At 12:16 on the 4th (11:16 GMT), the Japanese government suddenly to the media and the local government issued an urgent message: "North Korea has fired flying!" The message immediately in Japan, NHK public television stations nationwide to "quick report" the form of broadcast. 日本政府相关部门,更是立即陷入一片紧张。 Japanese government-related departments, are immediately plunged into a more nervous.

防卫省立即着手搜集情报。 To proceed immediately to the ministry of defense intelligence gathering. 国土交通省和海上保安厅则在将消息通知所有职员的同时,紧急向位于“危险区域”的日本船只和飞机发布警报。 Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Maritime Safety Agency will be informed at the same time all the staff of the emergency to the "danger zone" of the Japanese ships and aircraft warnings.

首相麻生也被“忽悠” Prime Minister Aso has also been "忽悠"
在朝鲜“导弹”可能经过的秋田县和岩手县。 Korean "missile" probably after the Akita and Iwate. 通过政府紧急网络获知消息后,防灾部门立即通知下级政府,准备应对。 Network information through the emergency message, the disaster prevention department immediately notified the lower levels of government, ready to respond. 在大阪,防灾部门立即向43个下级地方政府群发传真,并在网上发布紧急消息。 At Osaka, disaster prevention department immediately subordinate to the 43 local governments mass fax, and web publishing in the emergency message. 而鸟取县则通过防灾系统,直接通知住户。 Tottori Prefecture, through the prevention system, the tenants directly. 日本媒体称,消息发布后,日本政府陷入一片混乱,整个日本都紧张起来。 Japanese media said the message is published, the Japanese government into chaos, with the entire nervous Japan.

不过,12时21分,日本政府再次发布消息:“适才发布的情报有误,发射飞行物未获确认。” However, the 12:21, the Japanese government once again announced: "have just released the information to be wrong, has not been confirmed to launch flying objects."

首相麻生也被这一假消息“忽悠”。 Prime Minister Aso has also been the false news "忽悠." “发射”消息发布后,麻生立即下令,要求强化情报搜集,同时动身前往首相官邸,准备向国民发布“演说”,但 在获知消息有误后,麻生改道前往其他办公室,指令也随之取消。 "Fired" after the message, immediately ordered Aso asked to strengthen intelligence gathering, go to the Prime Minister's official residence at the same time, to prepare a national release, "speech", but was informed that after an error message, Aso diverted to other offices, also canceled orders.

自卫队也传出假消息 Self-Defense Force also reported false news
当天,发布假消息的还不止中央政府。 The same day, the publication of false news is not all of the central government. 在日本政府发布消息之前,秋田县就已经传出朝鲜卫星已发射的消息。 At the Japanese government announced before the Akita has been reported on the satellite has been launched by North Korea message. 消息来源则是当地的自卫队。 Sources is the local Self-Defense Forces. 日本媒体报道称,当天上午10时50分,一名自卫队的联络员向该县政府部门称,“朝鲜‘导弹’已发射。”该县立� �向各级政府消防部门群发短信,并通过防灾网络通知部分地区居民。 Japanese media reported that the day of 10:50, a Self-Defense Force's liaison to the county department said, "North Korea 'missile' has been launched." County immediately to the Fire Department at all levels of government mass message, and through Disaster Prevention Network NOTICE residents in some areas. 这一消息后被确认为假消息。 This message was identified as false information.

12时16分,“已发射”的消息再次传到秋田县,这次,又是假消息。 12:16, "has been launched" to spread the message, Akita Prefecture, this is also false information.

- 反应   日政府向全体国民致歉   日媒体称政府“出了大丑”,国民对政府不满 - Response to the Japanese government to apologize to all the national media day that the Government "a big ugly", a national resentment against the Government
日本政府发假消息,让日本舆论哗然,日本国民难掩愤怒。 False message the Japanese government to allow a public outcry in Japan, Japanese people can not conceal his anger. 日政府则在当天向全体国民致歉。 Government Day at the day to apologize to all citizens.

政府确认误报后,日本媒体一片指责声。 The Government confirmed false positives, the Japanese media accused the sound of one. “(误报消息后)首相官邸陷入大混乱。政府原本想万无一失的应对朝鲜‘导弹’发射,但没想却‘出了大丑’”。 "(After the message false positives) chaos in prime minister's official residence. Foolproof think the Government had to deal with North Korea 'missile' fired, but thought it 'a big ugly'." 另一媒体则讽刺道,“今天,让日本列岛陷入高度紧张的,实际上并非朝鲜的导弹,(而是政府)。” Ironically, another media that "Today, let the Japanese archipelago into a high degree of tension, North Korea's missile is not in fact, (but the Government)."

在居民对朝鲜“导弹”最为紧张的秋田县,一名当地男性居民在两个小时内连续两次接到“朝鲜导弹已发射”的假 消息,且分别来自地方政府和中央政府,怒不可遏,“这到底在搞什么!” Residents at the North Korea "missile" the most nervous of Akita Prefecture, a local male residents in the two hours of two consecutive received "a North Korean missile had been fired," the false message, and from local governments and the central government, furious, "It's doing what in the end!"

在错报消息后,日本内阁官房长官河村建夫立即向国民致歉。 Reported at the wrong message, the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura to immediately apologize to the people. 河村说,朝鲜在今天(4日)发射的可能性几乎没有,“政府误报消息,让各位担心,在此谨表示诚挚的歉意。”河村 说,政府的错误消息来自防卫省。 Kawamura said that the DPRK today (day 4) the possibility of launching virtually no "false positive message the government, so that fear, I would like to express my sincere apologies." Kawamura said that the government's error message from the ministry of defense.

河村还称,他认为朝鲜“导弹”落向日本国土的可能性“非常之小”。 Kawamura also said he believed North Korea "missile to" get off the possibility of the Japanese homeland "very small."

当天,防卫相滨田靖一也向国民致歉。 The defense is also one of the Foreshore田靖apologize to the people. “因为防卫省和自卫队没能准确地传达情报,给国民添了麻烦,实在很抱歉。”滨田说。 "The ministry of defense and the Self-Defense Forces failed to accurately convey information to the National Tim trouble is I am sorry." Hamada said. 至于误报的原因,滨田说,“防卫省想把(有关‘导弹’)的消息尽早告知国民,但有些着急了,准确性不够。” As for the causes of false positives, Hamada said, "want a ministry of defense (the 'missile') as soon as possible to inform people of the message, but some worry, and not enough accuracy."

-内幕   雷达“看走眼”制造假消息   日最先进雷达误将不明物当导弹 - Insider radar "看走眼" false news to create the most advanced radar mistakenly date unknown object when the missile
日本媒体4日报道,发出“朝鲜导弹”错误消息的是日本部署在本土的一处雷达。 Japanese media reported on the 4th, the issue of "North Korea's missile" error message is at home in Japan to deploy a radar. 该雷达为日本最先进雷达。 The radar for the most advanced radar in Japan.

日本防卫省当天对媒体承认,日本政府当天中午发布的假消息来自防卫省部署在东京附近千叶县的一处雷达。 Japan's defense of the media to recognize the province the same day, at noon the same day the Japanese government issued a false message from the ministry of defense deployed in Chiba Prefecture near Tokyo, one of the radar.

该省官员称,该雷达为警戒管制雷达,名为FPS-5。 Officials said the province, the radar control for the warning radar, called FPS-5. 当天上午,雷达在日本海探测到“不明的飞行物痕迹”,即将此信息当作导弹发射情报。 Earlier in the day, the radar detection in the Sea of Japan to the "traces of unidentified flying objects", is about the intelligence information as a missile launch. 而防卫省则将此消息立即传达到日本政府。 The ministry of defense is to convey this message to the Japanese government immediately. FPS-5被称为日本最先进的雷达,又名“照相雷达”,它比普通雷达的探测范围更为广泛。 FPS-5 is known as Japan's most advanced radar, also known as "photo radar" than ordinary radar detection range is broader. FPS-5雷达也是日本追踪朝鲜“导弹”,以便实施拦截的重要武器。 FPS-5 radar tracking Japanese Korean "missile" in order to implement an important weapon to intercept.

防卫省称,他们正在分析当天FPS-5探测到的不明物体到底为何物。 Ministry of defense said that analysis of the day they are FPS-5 to detect the unknown object in the end what.

日本媒体称,通常情况下,朝鲜“导弹”发射后,应先由美军早期预警卫星(DSP卫星)在太空中感知“导弹”发射的� ��信号。 Japanese media said that under normal circumstances, the Korean "missile" fired upon by U.S. early warning satellite (DSP satellites) in space perceived "missile" fired hot signal. 然后从美国在本土的基地,经过驻日美军传达到日本防卫省。 And from the United States base at home, after U.S. troops stationed in Japan to convey to the Japanese ministry of defense. 这一信息同时也会传达给韩国国防部。 At the same time, this information will be communicated to the South Korean Defense Ministry. 但是,4日当天日本方面并没有收到来自美军的“导弹”消息。 However, the Japanese side on the 4th day and has not received from the U.S. "missile" message.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by stewartw2

Its kind of hard to wade through that translation but it seems some aspect of the story is corroborated. I doubt WW III was about to be launched though. It seemed to me that it was a radar glitch and it didn't mention any actual sighting. Like I said, it's hard to decipher.

I guess I object to Mr. Cohen's sensationalism. It's always over hyped and sketchy on the facts. But to each his/her own.

Thanks for posting. it was still interesting.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Smack

Earlier in the day, the radar detection in the Sea of Japan to the "traces of unidentified flying objects", is about the intelligence information as a missile launch. 而防卫省则将此消息立即传达到日本政府。 The ministry of defense is to convey this message to the Japanese government immediately.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 01:04 AM
i just want to add that while searching thru several news reports online and while listening to cnn

i have read and heard about how japan reported that the missile went off before it actually had, and that they later retracted the claim saying it was a flying object and not the missile

dont really feel like going back through all that stuff to find it to post here

but i heard it and read it

pretty interesting that japan thought the missile was launched but it was really something else

could be a flock of birds

some weather balloon like always

or who knows it couldve been a ufo

i dont rule out a real ufo as the placing and timing of the event is very intriguing

for all we know north korea launched a nuke, the aliens intercepted it, then launched their own missile to keep everyone in the dark that they keep saving our planet

lol a lot of speculation there

but who knows

what made japan say the missile launched, when it hadnt yet

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 02:37 AM
Excerpts from the article…

…irresponsible actions of extraterrestrial tourists flying a UFO from North Korea to Japan on a sightseeing expedition.

If any aliens are reading this article they should be alerted to how dangerous their semi-secret joy flights can be.

April 1 is almost a week away now!

Sorry Stewart, I don’t buy this one!

* Heads for the beer bar.*


posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 02:59 AM
Has someone down the line misinterpreted the imminent missile test by North Korea?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:17 AM
It was just the missile launch

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by The Asgard

The actual false alarm occurred way before the launch which was accurately followed by Japanese radars.
BTW if you think the Allnewsweb article is overheated that aint nothing compared to the articles that have appeared all over South Korean media in the last week-the entire country believed it was under UFO attack!

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:47 AM



[edit on 5-4-2009 by wtc_wtf]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by wtc_wtf

What's it your business where I source articles from, why should I stop publishing articles here from Allnewsweb.....because you told me?? BTW even if I don't post them they usually get posted here anyway-oh and perhaps you should brush up on your English skills before attempting to massacre a perfectly good language!

[edit on 5-4-2009 by stewartw2]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by stewartw2
reply to post by wtc_wtf

What's it your business where I source articles from, why should I stop publishing articles here from Allnewsweb.....because you told me?? BTW even if I don't post them they usually get posted here anyway-oh and perhaps you should brush up on your English skills before attempting to massacre a perfectly good language!

[edit on 5-4-2009 by stewartw2]

Dont worries MOD will look into it

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by wtc_wtf

reality is that All News Web has broken over 50 UFO stories that would have never seen the light of day outside of the countries (usually Asian) they occurred had they not-so if the MOD doesnt want the stories-frankly thats his/her (and this boards) loss.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by stewartw2]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by stewartw2
reply to post by wtc_wtf

reality is that All News Web has broken over 50 UFO stories that would have never seen the light of day outside of the countries (usually Asian) they occurred had they not-so if the MOD doesnt want the stories-frankly thats his/her loss.

My issue is contribute more here.......... Not only promoting your crappy site
to make some money out of Google

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by wtc_wtf

I just hope for your sake your native tongue isnt English.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by stewartw2
reply to post by wtc_wtf

I just hope for your sake your native tongue isnt English.

You right my friend ...

Anyway right now i am looking at other thread created by you and they all are back linked to your crappy website site ....

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wtc_wtf]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:32 AM
The title is annoying me because I'm not sure if you could have an Asian World War III, because the major world player in the area is China, and I'd have thought it'd have to include more major powers. On the other-hand, the various alliances in the region virtually guarantee more than one world power involved, in the event of major conflict, so maybe there could be an Asian World War III. I'm not sure. Seems a bit dramatic.

Anyway Nena (that sort of thing used to scare the hell out of me as a kid; not German electropop, but something stupid triggering Armageddon).

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