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parallel universe or altered reality written within the bible

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posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:04 PM

parallel universe or altered reality written within the bible

I believe the bible depicts two parallel universes, or altered realities or states of consciousness. Genesis 1 talks of Gods creation of the heaven and earth and mankind in 6 days, the children of God. Genesis 2 discusses the creation of the heavens and earth by the LORD in one day forming man from dust followed by woman the children of man. The book of Matthew discusses the genealogy of Jesus Christ Son of Man. Book of Mark discusses Jesus Christ Son of God.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:04 PM
I am of the belief that the bible is illustrating two parallel universes or altered states of consciousness. One created by our Loving God, (Genesis 1) the other by the Lord, or Satan (Genesis 2). I will briefly describe my theory.

On the day that God rested Satan created another universe, or reality in one day (the 7th day) Genesis 2, and created his chosen people. The old testament is riddled with rape pillage and plunder all being directed and orchestrated by the Lord to his chosen people. Consider Genesis 4; Eve says she "...acquired a man from the Lord", Cain, who subseqently murdered. Cast out he traveled to the land of Nod (Where Gods children lived) and the murderer married one of God's children. Consider Noah. Genesis 6:13-22, God said to Noah build the ark, and "two of every sort...male and female..two of everykind will come..." Genesis 7. Now the Lord said to Noah, You will take, " of every clean animal...two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female..." I could say heaps more on this and many aspects of the old testament outlining the two very different worlds or realities

The new testament is another exciting illustration of the parallel universes or altered realities or altered states of consiousness. Jesus Christ Son of God states in Mark 8;38 that the "Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of His Father..." Matthew 16: 17-19 states the Jesus the Son of Man (matth 16: 13) gives the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Peter, whom he later refers to as Satan (Matthew 16:23).

There is so much I can write about this. The Genealogy of the Son of Man Matthew 1 is different to the Genealogy of the Jesus Christ Luke 23. They both change direction after King David. Son of Man from the line of Davids son Solomon, leading to Josephs father being Jacob (Matthew 1). Jesus Christ from the line of Davids son Nathan leading to Josephs father being Heli (Luke 23).

I have so much more to write on this however I must go. Hope to add to this later.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Maybe the original oral tradition had many different versions and the bible portrayed the main variations of the story. I dont think these guys had any idea about parallel universes and such back in the days.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 09:37 PM
Yes, Philo of Alexandria explained this in the first century AD:

The first chapter of Genesis details the creation of the Platonic Reality of Forms.

The second chapter of Genesis details the creation of our physical reality of the senses; the sphere of generation.

Philo's belief was that contraditictions in the Bible text were actually clues that something profound was hidden beneath the surface of the narrative. What you say is also perfectly consistent with the Gnostic interpretation.

Rudolf Steiner also went into the idea of Matthew and Luke telling of two separate Jesuses living in alternate-realities.

[edit on 4-4-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Eleleth

thank you Eleleth, I am happy to read your article as it validates that my thoughts may be on the right path. I do not believe that the writers of so long ago could even have comprehended parralel universes or altered states of consciousness which has allowed me to read the bible again feeling that it is inspired by a great and powerful source, the universal energy.

flashes of blue

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:44 AM
As the father is all knowing, that means that he knows all possibilities, and such. Thus, parallel dimensions and such is part of that.

These parallel dimensions are not actually "parallel". You change among them all the "time". In fact, the change from 1 dimension to the next is what creates our illusion of "time". Where as time is really just another point or "position" within the physical universe.

In the eyes of the father, all knowing, there is no time. As the father already knows all, there is no "next" dimension to create that illusion.

Oddly enough, all possibilities existing is also a requirement for free will. If all possibilities did not exist, then a basic requirement for free will is broken. And as well, part of free will is the ability to give it away.

You can "see"/imagine other dimensions pretty easy. It is your choice(free will) that determines your path across all this. In 1 possible future dimension you are holding your hands in the air, in another possible future dimension you are not. Which ones becomes reality is your choice. Either of them is possible.

This is also needed for "you reap what you sow". Meaning, if there was only 1 single dimension it wouldn't matter what you sowed because the outcome was predetermined and you have no real choice. But you are able to reap what you sow, because what you sow is what determines what you reap, or in otherwords - determines what path you take. Murder someone, you take a path down dimensions that are bad and reflect that, save someone and you enter down another path.

It is actually only your perspective and experience that makes this reality seem linear, and thus parallel dimensions are really only parallel to your own linear path/perspective. Because you enter those dimensions all you want.

How can a man who steals expect to live in a society where there is no theft? He can't. His very presence in that society means it doesn't actually exist. And so how can we being and doing evil expect to live in a society where there is no evil(heaven)? We can't. So if you steal and such, then you lead down paths that keep you in such a society. Thus you walk a bad path, that leads to "hellish" places.

This is why Jesus is the "way" and how he has a path. His way and example leads you down a path where you do good things, and so your path reflects that. Thus why he says many people will do things in his name, but he will say he knows them not. Only those who do the will of the father(follow the commandments as he gave understanding of them) actually walk that path and get into the higher dimensions.

When you understand this, then things make a little more sense. Why are you automatically forgiven? Because the moment you repent from a sin(means to fix a mistake), then you are no longer walking down that bad path. At that moment you start doing good things and that is what you are sowing, so that is what you reap. Still gotta reap what you previously sowed, but in time it will show up. If you planted corn 1 summer, you are going to eat corn that winter. Won't be eating potatoes the next winter until you plant them in the summer etc.

The person who just says - forgive me, and then continues on doing what they are doing does not actually ask for forgiveness. If a man cheats on his wife multiple times, says he is sorry and then does it again, he is not sorry he did what he did. He is sorry that he got caught. And so he is not really forgiven, nor does his path change.

You can start walking the right path anytime you want, and no matter what you have done you will be forgiven. Again, don't be surprised if you still reap what you've sowed, so it doesn't mean do whatever you want, and then at the last minute say - oh won't do that anymore and expect only good things, but you can start at anytime.

The hypocrite is the one who is most screwed. Because while they believe they are doing the right things, they actually aren't. And so they do bad things, think it's good and then wonder why they reap bad things.

And so when you see Jesus, the bible and the church etc, the false churches will focus on the idol of Jesus, rather than his teachings. They will teach all about Jesus and how he saves etc, but then they don't really teach or follow the path. This is manipulation to keep people from walking the path, and so they instead walk the path of "Death and destruction". The broad path.

All this is mentioned in Matthew 7. With those who do things in his name, but do their works in sin. Giving lip service to Jesus while sowing bad things will do you no good. And this is why you have to look at peoples fruits(actions) rather than what they praise as well.

The majority of christian churches are just satanic cults. The praise and give lip service to Jesus, while walking the broad and destructive path. Crusades, inquisitions, wars and so forth. The path of death and destruction and they think because they give lip service it's ok. It is not.

Rev 3:9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Jew = christian as well, as if you followed Jesus and such back in that day you were a Jew, they didn't call people Christians. Names have been changed to keep people from realizing such things, but if you are looking at the fruits you can see it.

And yes, these things weren't really spoken of in terms of parallel dimensions etc. But they were talked about in other ways. It's just not really recognizable because such topics have all but been banned, and talk has been focused on a reality of action/reaction. This is to keep people in the mindset of being actions and reactions because if you can gauge the actions and reactons correctly, then you can control them. A rocket is a tool and is able to do what it does so good because we know the exact actions to cause the exact reaction we want. And so when you keep people on a level of action and reaction, then you can introduce certain actions to get the exact reaction you wanted, and all the while those being manipulated are none the wiser, and feel they get what they want because they ask for it as part of their reaction. To not get the expected reaction is called blowback, or a rocket lands in the wrong place, like on your head.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Also, the poor in spirit are the people who are manipulated into walking these paths. They are still blessed and go to heaven? Why? Because they only walk that bad path because they are manipulated. Once they see the truth, they will accept it and start walking the correct path. Most of them are good hearted people who mean well.

Only the wicked need worry, because they already know the truth and they have rejected it. They knowingly manipulate and hide the truth from the good hearted. They blasphemy the holy spirit/truth. Those who do not know the truth or the holy spirit can do no such thing.

If they were evil/wicked in nature, then they wouldn't need to be manipulated in the first place. They wouldn't need to be deprived of understanding.

Psalm 82
1God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

2How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

5They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

6I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

8Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

How much longer they will accept the wicked and walk on in darkness, I do not know. But I think it's a safe bet that every day is 1 day closer to it. As the father is within, there is really nothing the wicked can do to stop someone who decided to look within. They can only try to keep people from looking in that direction. Keep you focused and accepting only what is "mainstream" as truth. People won't accept authority as truth rather than truth as authority for much longer. If I can see, then many can and will see soon.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Eleleth
Yes, Philo of Alexandria explained this in the first century AD:

The first chapter of Genesis details the creation of the Platonic Reality of Forms.

The second chapter of Genesis details the creation of our physical reality of the senses; the sphere of generation.

Philo's belief was that contraditictions in the Bible text were actually clues that something profound was hidden beneath the surface of the narrative. What you say is also perfectly consistent with the Gnostic interpretation.

Rudolf Steiner also went into the idea of Matthew and Luke telling of two separate Jesuses living in alternate-realities.

Yes, they are in clues. They are clues that you do not understand what is actually being said, I do agree.

The father does not give as this world does. The father doesn't just tell you what to repeat, what exactly to say and so forth. The father gives in terms of understanding. It is a language spoken in terms of understanding rather than the literal. Those "clues" happen because the person is focusing on the literal rather than the understanding under it.

It's like the movie the matrix. I think it speaks alot of truth about society and such on a whole and raises tons of philosophical questions. But if I focus instead on the literal movie, the action and so forth - then all that is missed. If I only focus on the literal and say it's real/true, then I look a fool. It's just a movie/story/fairytell, why would you believe in that! (sound familiar?). And that is generally how I see most christian vs atheist debates, all focused on the literal and never the understanding. It seems to me that in todays society either is acceptable, the only one that isn't is the one who see's the understanding. Those people are dealt with. As Bill Hicks would say, we kill the good guys and leave the demons to run amok.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by badmedia

bad media thanks for your comments. You are a brilliant writter. Even though we make choices the bible has been interpreted and followed accordingly. People do not seem to have read the differences.

Has the bible been misread?
God is not jealous, envious cruel or vindictive however the Lord of the old testament is all these things therefor the Lord is very different to God. There is proof in the bible to validate this statement. The bible paints a picture of a Lord who is cruel, who commands male superiority over female, "...he shall rule over you" (Genesis 2:16) compared to the Loving God of Genesis 1 who created male and female in the image of God and there is no separation between the sexes for male and female were created equal and God blessed them.

Parallel universes, altered realities or altered states of consciousness? Are we witnessing the most amazing revelation of the book written called the bible revealing to mankind the reality of good vs evil, light vs dark? Is the bible possibly the most misread book in the history of mankind?

Is the God of Love possibly the most misinterpreted and misunderstood God of all times?

Has the church confused the scriptures and possibly misquoted sources therein confusing the God of Love with the dark Lord of devastation, murder rape and mayham?
Is it not God who says to Noah do not murder (Gen 9:6), yet the Lord (not God) commands the murder of men, woman and children throughout the Old testament?
Let us not confuse the two. God is beautiful kind and loving. Let us release God from the passages of the OT where He is quoted to have ordered and said vile and horrid things. Let us release God from the accusations held by many and exhalt God in the highest way. The bible depicts choice and possibly the greatest of all deceivers and liars masquarding as God, calling himself to the Israelites " I am the Lord your God" and pretending to be God where as the dark Lord is obviously dark and obviously cruel.

Yes we have a choice. To love or to war. To forgive or to seek vengence.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by badmedia

I really like the movie the matix. A brilliant piece of work. The quote from Psalm 82 is a quote refering to God, who judges among the gods. Now this appears to me as the God of Love not the Lord your God as is mentioned in many sections of the OT, who is angry and jealous.

Consider Isaiah 45: 1-7; "...I, the Lord who call you by your name, am the God of Israel...I am the Lord and there is no other, there is no god besides me... I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I the Lord do all these things."

Exodus 15:3-11 "The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name...who is like you O Lord, among the gods?..."
Exodus 34: 14; " ...for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God"

What it possible that there is a God loving and kind and this Hebrew Lord of war, of jealousy, of male domination, of murder does not want the God of Love possibly to be acknowledged or just wants to confuse us?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

Consider this...... Creation, it was a new thing. The first things. God was new at the job of creating. Evolution shows that one of the tecniques He used was trial and error. God did not have an expectation of getting it right the first time which is why He saved creating His Image for the very end of the Creation period. It's pretty important to look at what is known about how things are designed and which patterns were used in their replication. A self sustaining multipurpose clone would seem like a great ideal. Flesh for land animals, fins for fish. I love the concepts of microcosm, cosm, macrocosm, exomacrocosm (for those who think outside the box!) built from the same pattern for the same purpose but on different scales. The greatest secret IS hidden but you are extolled "knock" "seek" "ask." We given clues like "keys to heaven and hell", or the pattern, 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Light". Jesus proclaimed that no one could get there but through him. Jesus claimed to have access to this "place" that no one else could get to. Sounded like another dimension to me. A personal "wormhole" that he could pass the souls into a better world. Parting thought......It is claimed that Jesus and Mohammed both Ascended, where did they go? Dissipating into thin air doesn't work real well for me, how about you?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

briliant! I love it. the concept of a personal worm hole or reality. Perfect.
Personally I think I discovered this in my life 17 months ago and have been living an exciting existence ever since. Spurred on by writters like Erkhart Tolle and the like, I have discovered that part of the key to the wormhole is to be in the NOW. The only reality I have is the reality of the now and in this existence I have found God and I have found the truth about Love. It is in this truth that I can now walk in my own personal space and feel peace.

The reason I am going on so much about the OT is that in some warped sense of responsibilty I feel that the God of Love who I think created humans, male and female perfectly in Genesis 1 is being misunderstood and refered to as the darker Lord who created man then woman in Genesis 2, beings who may have not been as discerning as Gods creation with regards to the knowledge of good and evil and could not resist experimenting with rather horrid crimes on humanity and kept following a rather painful example in the Lord of war and jealousy. Then the blood lines were mixed with the Noah gig and here we are today...some are still trying to work out that kicking the dog or hurting a person is not actually a good thing......

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by flashesofblue

One should identify exactly what the "original sin" was. Was it really a physical act of disobedience? This was the first reported "no" Adam and Eve had encountered. They had their first run-in with deception and at the hand of the "Father of lies" at that. In our society to seduce a child into commiting a crime is the fault of the seducer.......Newborn children are held guiltless. In no way faulting the Creator, choice was born at the same time light was created. Light and dark and exponentually expanding shades of gray. In my opinion Adam and Eve added something to the creative process that was not intended in the original plans. I think i will call them opinions. They wanted to be on equal footing with the Creator, at least they did not want to be subserviant to Him. This crime is laid upon the head of Man (in his ignorance) by a very wise Angel who felt displaced by Man. A creature who knew the consequences of his actions but consumated them anyway. That being is still with us.

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