Hey man ! Whats up ? I just had this idea last week.lol
Almost the same headline even. Oh well, I guess great
minds think alike. Maybe its worth some kudos for a
spot on the corp? After 500 of course! Yeh still pretty.
Independent media is something to be cherished. There are admittedly a lot of dingbats on ATS, but there are also some fantastic, knowledgeable
Me too, I applied and never heard anything back at all. I think some ATS email ends up being filtered out as spam. Any way to find out if I was
selected (or not), but just didn't get the email? A U2U to let me know would be nice. Thanks.
My guess..... If you haven't heard from them, then you haven't been selected. At this point from what I understand, every one selected is hard at
work getting started. I could be wrong however, and they may make more selections later on. Time will tell.