posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:49 AM
on to my more outlandish ideas (the ones that resonate with me)
many have heard of the "reptilian agenda" (i suppose if someone on this site hasn't heard of it then they are very particular in what they read)
I will not go into the myriad of theories that abound, suffice it to say that if you google or ATS search "reptilian agenda" you'll most definitely
find something.
Many have heard the term "the end game" with reference to 2012.
many have heard the notion that we are a "slave race"
many have heard the idea that some alien races are "consumerist or trade races"
many have heard that there is a galactic law preventing direct intervention with burgeoning planet races.
many have heard that in order to not defy this law, extra-planetary races must have permission to enter our space, and not just permission, but
planetary desire.
consider this (or don't, but still consider that money is hurting us spiritually):
consider that an ancient race of consumerists visited our planet millenia ago, that they introduced the concept of money and usury to our ancient
ancestors. Over time they popped in again, and again reaffirming their existence and reinforcing their consumerist agenda.
Over hundreds and thousands of years, we have subtly been manipulated into a consumer society, reliant on money for our happiness and well being. Our
current capitalist system is the pinnacle of this consumerist society.
Consider that fear of losing our livelihood, or our house or our possessions is a greater fear for many than losing our connection to god, or our
connection to our subconscious or our connection to one another.
Consider that economic meltdowns, such as the one occurring now, have been meticulously designed to entrench our fear of loss and to give our ancient
visitors and in. So that one day (maybe soon) they will come down, offer us a solution to our economic woes and we will genuinely want them to help
us, and we will ask them to help us, and they will, and then they will never leave.
We will not have slowed our spiritual growth, we will have stopped it completely and for all time.
Does this last sentence give you pause? It does for me.
Can it be that after thousands of years of adventure and searching for the unknown, for the unknowable; that we would be prepared to set aside that
search for a life of easy chairs and dancing with the stars? Oh my, what are we doing? Many in our world will no doubt be thrilled to live this
life, I am not one of them. My search is not over and I don't want someone/thing to stall my search on my behalf.
If there is no alien agenda, if there is no great conspiracy then fine. However, my thoughts do not change. The future of the human race ought not
to be one of barcoloungers and survivor. It ought to be one of questioning and searching, for knowledge and discernment, for peace and
Our education system in the west is failing, it is no longer the case that the younger generations are more educated and knowledgeable than the
generation that came before (though this is not to say that intelligence is declining, only that education is declining). Many of our youth are so
disinterested in schooling and learning that they are coming out of highschool barely able to read, hardly able to spell and certainly more interested
in tv and videogames than discussing philosophy or politics or anything else for that matter.
I generalize of course, there are many many young people who have broken the chains of educatory doctrine and have developed a genuine
inquisitiveness, however I fear that they are in the minority and that it is all a part of the plan.
I for one believe that our true destiny is to know god (whatever that is) and that our destiny has been diverted, that something built a dam diverting
the stream of our true nature and hoarding the most base elements into a reservoir of ignorance and apathy.
search, quest, discover together.