"What they captured was a poison gas that consisted of several chemicals to be mixed together," Loftus told nationally syndicated radio host John
Batchelor. "This has to be a poison gas of what they call the G-series; Sarin, Somin, Taubin and VX."
"Syria dopes not make VX nerve gas - only Saddam Hussein did. So it looks as if now that Israeli intelligence and British intelligence were right -
that Syria did indeed get a hold of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction just before the war."
If they are able to confirm this with lab tests, will the military be put into action or will we start the U.N.
game all over again?
Maby if we get a jump on all of the bribing and extorting before the other Permanent Security Council members do, we may get a resolution that works
for a change, but I wouldnt count on it.
Good find, another piece of the puzzle found. Watch as the naysayers and US administration bashers are going to start jumping at this saying its is
not true...