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O'Reilly: Protesters who use the Internet to organize are just like child molesters.

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posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:00 AM

O'Reilly: Protesters who use the Internet to organize are just like child molesters.

"The Internet’s driving this kind of stuff. … There was always this crew, this anarchist crew, these people can’t fit into society, they’re angry for whatever reason, they want to cause trouble. They’ve always been there. But now they’re coordinated by the internet, now they can talk to each other. It’s like child molesters, you know? I mean, child molesters have always been around but now they got a place to go and gather and do their evil deeds."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:00 AM
How does this make you feel? i think it's a very lame comparison ... how else can protesters organize?... here's the video

This is an outrageous claim ... i'm surprised no one has posted this here ... i think this is also very insulting towards the G20 protesters ... it's like they're supposed to all call each other up on tapped phone lines to organize ...

What are your thoughts?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:05 AM
It's Oreilly. He's a piece of garbage. Letting him on the air after all his BS shows the true side of Fox News.

He sold out. Back in the days, he questionned the official theory about JFK murder. Now he's a piece of garbage shill for whatever administration pushing police states mesures.

Selling yourself is way worse than being an ignorant... Oreilly is a low life scumbag.

EDIT: Sorry but I just hate his guts.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:07 AM
think progress is a left wing site that won't like anything O'Reilly says or does.

Although I generally don't like O'Reilly I have to say that the quote is taken out of context. He wasn't complaining about the internet. He was complaining about the anarchists and other losers who use the internet to futher their plans.

Heck .. everyone uses the internet.

No biggie.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:08 AM
I think it's disrespectful to those children who have been lured by pedophiles on the internet as well as people such as us on this website who use the internet to connect with others and share ideas.

Also, did O'Reilly really say in that last line that talking about anarchy and protesting are "evil deeds?" Dangerous, dangerous precedents he's setting for himself .

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:10 AM
It only makes you upset if you care about what that man says.

Do you get angry when a confused homeless man rambles on about how stupid everyone is for not seeing that the world is going to end tomorrow?

Why do you think his opinions are worth anything? Because he is on TV? Come on...

He is a angry white man who is frustrated. Who cares.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:21 AM
By using this verbiage, his producers knew that it would generate more interest and garnish him more 'irate' callers to his show and ironically, more 'hits' on the internet...

I submit that it is an attempt at increasing their 'celebrity' talking head's notoriety... remember, there is no such thing a 'bad publicity' to people like O'Reily or anyone else who is in the 'news entertainment' business.

Don't rise to this MSM bait.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:27 AM
O'Reilly is the most disonnected human being there is. He put himself on a pedestool which he thinks he is levels above the average person because he is so outrageous. He claims to be brilliant but the man is truly just ignorant. If you've ever seen the real bill O'Reilly besides the put on he puts on all the time on his show- he's pitiful.

The world is under an enormous amount of pressure. To call these people lunatics is like calling your neighbors lunatics. These are normal people sick and tired of living in a world that is being led by fools.

Who can blame them? Have we all not felt at some point the same those people do?

O'relly has no conscience so of course doesn't relate to these people at all. If you enjoy entertainment and commentary at its most ridiculous point- then continue watching O'Reilly.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:37 AM
At least we don't wear gobs of pancake make up & have phone sex with women who would otherwise never give us the time of day.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:40 AM
Bill O'Reilly claims to be an American..well, he does forget that America was founded on protests like these that fight for the betterment of society.
He is an ass who likes to repeat himself thinking it will brain wash people. Comparing these people to CM's..uhhg remarkable and ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:45 AM
All I saw was the headline, I will read the rest after post. I really am starting to hate this guy.... am I alone? I hope not

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I used to like O'Reily was a great anchor.

But lately he seems to be swaying.

And this doesn't help him at all....

I won't watch him for a few weeks.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:59 AM
bill o'really has a real bad case of logorrhrea...

Logorrhoea or logorrhea (Greek λογορροια, logorrhia, “word-flux”) is defined as an “excessive flow of words” and, when used medically, refers to incoherent talkativeness occurring in certain kinds of mental illness, such as mania. Logomania is the medical condition and mania with the underlying symptom logorrhoea. The spoken form of logorrhoea (in the non-medical sense) is a kind of verbosity which uses superfluous (or fancy) words to disguise an otherwise useless message as useful or intellectual, and is commonly known as “verbal diarrhea” or “diarrhea of the mouth”.)

... he opens his mouth and nonsensical spewing ushers forth.

Anyone who takes him seriously needs their head examined.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:04 PM
How distorted is "anti-capitalist anarchists"?

First of all, all I have seen on the protests that indicate something like this was a banner "Capitalism is not working!". Is the banner wrong?

IMO the banner nor the protests indicate anti-capitalism. They are protesting against the people in power who sistematically screwed our capitalist system. But even IF the protests are anti-capitalist, just for this reason are they anarchists? Like capitalism is the only governament paradigm we know.

CNN is screaming "anarchists protesting on G20", I think this is pure propaganda.

Just my opinion here. Maybe the proterters really are anarchists, but I have not seen a hint of proof on this claim. Maybe some poser may enlighten me.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:13 PM
I think the guys on another planet, its an insult, these people are standing up and doing what so many millions of people would love to .. how many times have we had conversations at home, work in the bar etc etc about all the crap thats going on, so these people use the internet to organise these protests so what !! child molesters need their balls cutting off and branding on the fore head these protesters need medals !! JMO


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
I used to like O'Reily was a great anchor.

But lately he seems to be swaying.

And this doesn't help him at all....

I won't watch him for a few weeks.

Indeed, ever since he made fun of that old journalist dressed in red at the Obama press conference.

I don't take kindly to flip remarks that equate protesters to child molesters.

We have Tea Parties coming up ... does he think that all the people are just getting together to have tea?

I suspect that he has recently as 3 weeks ago turned to the dark side.

I was about to buy his book and get a No Pinheads mat.

He's definitely off of my Christmas list. If Beck falls, we can call it a done deal until the bread lines start up.

[color=gold] Perhaps, O'Reilly needs to fly his flag upside down if he's in distress so that we all know. Even my wife noticed he's out of character.


[edit on 4·2·09 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Child molestors? Really? Does this mean that he is saying that he's immature jerk?

Hey Bill. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

Folks just do what I do when I see a oreilly story or see bill on tv. Close the webpage or just change the channel.

If you ignore him. He'll go away. Really he will I promise.
Lets bring him down to a 0 share.
You don't like the Big O? Call up his sponsors and tell them that you won't buy their products as long as they advertise on his show.

Don't get mad folks. Get smart. It's time that we all woke up. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem.
And I'd definately classify the Big O as part of the problem.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:08 PM
O'reilly who?

Would anybody mind if i punched him a few times in the mouth? I doubt i'd knock any sense into him, but it'd sure make me and the rest of the world feel a little better.

What a complete jerk.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by baseball101

First of all, we're just talking here about plain old 'propaganda' -


Propaganda is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, often presents information primarily in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.

Propaganda is also one of the methods used in psychological warfare, which may also involve false flag operations. The term propaganda may also refer to false information meant to reinforce the mindsets of people who already believe as the propagandist wishes. The assumption is that, if people believe something false, they will constantly be assailed by doubts. Since these doubts are unpleasant (see cognitive dissonance), people will be eager to have them extinguished, and are therefore receptive to the reassurances of those in power. For this reason propaganda is often addressed to people who are already sympathetic to the agenda. This process of reinforcement uses an individual's predisposition to self-select "agreeable" information sources as a mechanism for maintaining control.

Source : Wikipedia

Deconstructing the Statement :

There are many propaganda 'techniques'. Let's look again at what was said -

O’Reilly: Protesters who use the Internet to organize are just like child molesters.

"... They’ve always been there. But now they’re coordinated by the internet, now they can talk to each other. It’s like child molesters, you know? I mean, child molesters have always been around but now they got a place to go and gather and do their evil deeds."

Source : OP

Which technique is this ?

Demonizing the enemy

Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman (e.g., the Vietnam War-era term "gooks" for National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam aka Vietcong, (or 'VC') soldiers), worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations.

Source : Wikipedia.Propaganda.Techniques

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