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my friend is so stupid please help me

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posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:34 PM
Alright so i was showing my friend some nasa ufo videos and he is just not convinced somehow. He says that if the government didnt want us to know about ufo's, we wouldnt. He also questions on how this nasa footage got out. He thinks that someone took nasa footage and edited it to put the ufo's in....unbelievable. I dont know what to do anymore.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:37 PM
He is not alone in this line of thinking. And it stands to reason that UFO's/aliens would be fantastic disinfo to redirect your line of vision.

Not saying it's true, but I wouldn't be so quick to call your friend stupid. Afterall, you can no more prove that you are right than he can.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

so bottom line , you dismiss your friend as ` stupid ` because he does not accept your beliefs ?

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:57 PM
I would just not discuss this topic with this friend. I only discuss aliens/ufos with about 3 people I know. The others just poke fun at me and tell me I am nuts. I have even shown them many links and documents about what I have read and they still dont want to listen. I for one believe and I am not trying to force anyone to believe what they are not ready to. So I would just drop the subject with this person.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Some of those NASA videos are fantastic. A bunch of them are just as the skeptics say they are, ice particles or whatever.

Mundane things account for about 90% of ALL UFO related reports. As much as it pains me to say it, it is true.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

I agree, calling your friend stupid for simply holding on to his (indoctrinated) beliefs is a juvenile thing to do. You should only bring up the topic in a relatively unbiased way, (showing him nasa vids and insisting that it is absolute proof of ets is not the way to go unfortunately). Instead talk about it with him in a logical, rational (albeit calm) manner, perhaps he will listen one day.

Or stop wasting your time if you feel that he is too far gone. He is only going to think of you as a complete space case if your that insistent.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

interesting, sounds as if he's just being ignorant ... if you've showed your friend plenty of evidence and they're still not convinced, just give up haha there's no need to force your opinions onto them ...

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by baseball101
reply to post by King neptune117

there's no need to force your opinions onto them ...

I agree with baseball there, I have seen a lot of nasa footage and I think some of it is just ice particles, but I believe some of the footage contains UFOs. I've tried to show a couple people... one didn't believe me and another did. I also tried to show my girlfriend and she doesn't want to see any of it. On a side note, both of us witnessed a UFO one night. When I saw what was going on I asked her if she saw it and she just replied "no". I was telling her "LOOK right there!" in a sort and she got really upset with me and denied what she was seeing. Some people just don't want to believe. To this day she's only admited once to me she saw what I saw that night, and if I bring it up to anyone else in front of her she denies it. I know what she saw though, and so does she

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Estharik

A perfect example of people fearing being ostracized because our society immediately associates ufos with "crazies". Its such a shame that people can't talk about it more openly.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:32 PM
There is nothing wrong with your friend. There are no smoking guns in the NASA footage. I wish there were.

Be discerning on what evidence you accept. Not everyone you may think is opposed to the idea is. I have seen a couple of genuine UFO's but I'm pragmatic enough to know, I can't possibly know if they are of Alien origin or man made secret craft.

It is a good thing to be picky about what you accept as evidence and will serve you better than blindly accepting everything. Nearly all evidence is nonsense and that is just the nature of this beast.

There is ample evidence to give credence to the idea UFO's may be Alien, but to date, no cigar. Every time I look at a photo or video I hope it is what we are searching for but I've been mostly disappointed.

The Internet has not been all that good for these theories as it attracts way to much nonsense and outright fraud. To many are also to gullible.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Im with your friend on this one.

its just ice particles and space debris that randomly take off at a 90 degree angle for no apparent reason (and no collision).

I wouldnt go so far as to call them aliens, just because there is no proof of to speak. I'll believe in aliens when I see them, but for now they will remain, unidentified flying objects.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

I would begin by evaluating your friend's belief system and willingness to embrace new ideas by following 2 simple steps:

Step 1:
A. Ask if they belief in GOD. If YES, ask for proof. If NO proceed to Step 2.
B. Ask if they believe in Ghosts. If YES, ask for proof. If NO proceed to Step 2.
C. Ask if they believe Man landed the Moon. If YES, ask for proof. If NO proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Get a new friend OR Do Not discuss UFO's or these topics with this one.

In this way, you can engage their ability to accept fantastic ideas and explore other controversial topics. Perhaps you'll find you have more in common rather than different.

Hope that helps.......KK

[edit on 1-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:50 PM
"Trust the government". They know what is best for you and will do what is in your best interest whether you like it or not. If you don't believe me ask the residents of New Orleans or right now Fargo.

If it is useless to bring him around to your way of thinking, dump him as a friend,he has all ready been indoctrinated to the government mind set.He has already drank the kool-aid.

Repeat after me."I pledge allegiance to the.........."

They start the indoc at a very young age.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:27 AM
So what if your friend didn't believe you or the evidence. What clips did you show him? Your friend is entitled to his opinion, same as you

I've seen lots of videos on here, and I've not been convinced either by them.

Surely its better to have one friend who has his feet on the Earth to stop you from floating away together.

A question you should be asking yourself is, what type of friend are you for calling your friend 'so stupid'?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:37 AM
Your firned may be just first waking up. It is hard for some people to see stuff, there minds for what ever reason do not see it.

Not everyone gets it, is a motto you should use.

Your going to find lots like your friend in your life.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Your friend may be just first waking up. It is hard for some people to see stuff, their minds for what ever reason do not see it.

Yes, let your friend evolve ar his own pace. His soul may not be ready for this information yet, and instead needs to focus on other things instead at this time.

Be wise, and always remember there is always something to learn from talking to others, no matter how "stupid" they may seem. You can learn a lot from him if you are open enough.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by King neptune117

Have you considered you may be a "stupid" one? This is not meant as a personal attack. Rather, have you considered that you are seeing what you want to see, discerning a pattern that is not really there? Have you considered that your friend may be right and you may be wrong?

Until then, I'd refrain from calling people who do not agree with you "stupid." We're all capable of being fallable, no matter how convinced we are of our position.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 09:04 AM
And before declaring anyone "stupid" for not believing certain NASA videos are conclusive proof of extraterrestrials, I would recommend reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Sphynx."

I remember his insisting very especially (among other things) upon the idea that the principle source of error in all human investigations lay in the liability of the understanding to under-rate or to over-value the importance of an object, through mere mis-admeasurement of its propinquity

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
I would just not discuss this topic with this friend. I only discuss aliens/ufos with about 3 people I know. The others just poke fun at me and tell me I am nuts. I have even shown them many links and documents about what I have read and they still dont want to listen. I for one believe and I am not trying to force anyone to believe what they are not ready to. So I would just drop the subject with this person.

Well said, im exactly the same I have tried showing people and the ones who were interested looked into it themselves and now know as do I that planet earth has been visited by ET's for quite some time. However some people are ignorant and will descredit everything you show them (my bro).

Anyone who is really interested can do the research themselves, god knows there is enough info out there. Anyways unlike most of the close minded posters in here YOU ARE CORRECT UFOS/ALIENS ARE REAL AS THE PLANES THAT FLY OVER OUR HEADS

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Your friend may have a point don't forget that he shares the more common belief I had a friend like that until he saw what and I both believe to have been a pair of U.F.Os so maby he just needs more proof.

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