I've always looked at things in an objective manner. When it came to computer viruses, I ask "who?" and "why?" rather than automatically blaming
it on some technologically apt teen or some dood in China. Well I've always considered the possibility that it could be the internet security
companies, anti-spywar and virus protection groups, cause out of it all they benefit the most. This is further proven by the fact that well known
pioneer hacker ahhh... Kevin Mitnick now works for an internet security firm.
So the question is concerning this new virus or one yet to come:
Could the Powers That Be use something like this to bring down the internet and bring forth "Internet 2"?
oh yeah and if this has already been discussed, which im sure it has, please point me in that direction, which im sure you will. its just that i
searched the site for "conflikr" with no results, although i may have spelt it wrong