posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 06:05 PM
Oh #! I better watch out then, with all the naughty pictures ive taken on ym computer, it might try and violate me in my sleep!
Seriously, the belief is different for 2012. Some people say its the end of the world because of the Mayan Calender ends that year. others claim thats
when jesus is coming (everyone look busy).
Im guessing its the whole Myana Calender thing, thats where it originated from, and diversified into other theories. I myself dont buy 2012 as any
more signifigant than any other year.
I believe it was mentioned that 2012 iss the year that the y2k fixes will be obsolete, creating a need for a new bug fix. Maybe thats where the whole
freeaked out about technology thing came from.
I dunno about domestic animals, they are already attacking. My cats already are conspiring against me, I woke up and they were all staring at me with
those beady little eyes, looking at me like they wanted to eat me.....maybe I should have remebered to fill the food bowl before I went to sleep.