posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:11 AM
There are alot of people on the site that feel we all concentrate on doom and gloom too much, well the fact is that the ones of us that are preparing
for the worst might have a chance to survive when the proverbial SHTF senerio plays out. If you want to sit on your porch and drink ice tea thinking
to yourself that your safe and not take a pessimistic view of life in this country at this moment, don't prepare, your going to become a victim one
day on that very porch. I got lectured by posters on one of my threads about how we need to relax, quit talking about G and D and all I am telling you
, is that alot of things talked about here on ATS aren't going to materialize, but just by the laws of nature, some of them will. ARE YOU PREPARED
for the what if, do you have firearms, do you have ammo, do you have food, do you have a bug out scenerio planned? I am not a complainer, if my posts
of gloom and doom bother you, get a grip, these messages are here to try an wake you up out of your stupor, America is london bridge, it is falling
down. Get prepared, listen to the messages, read your history, study Argentina's Economic collapse, in the end, if your loved ones survive, it will
because you admitted to yourself there might be something wrong in the streets of MayBerry and you got yourself right and ready in the head to deal
with nasty events, so you can watch your kids grow up with safety, in a world that will be eating people alive.
That is all I ask, please look your child in the face, ask yourself if they arent worth thinking ahead for. Mine are. And I have made preperations,
and know in my heart that I have done everything I can to preserve prosperity at least for my family.