posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:43 AM
Oh, nice find... im subscribing and when get home check this one
About the 'holographic universe':
what we think and belief is mirrored on what we do, say, write, paint... in
our individuality we are creating and shifting reality, and by working
together we are constantly changing the environment.
Thing is, most of us declined to mix their consciousness in the reality, and
in there lies the plan of TPTB... be a consumer, be a slave - we give you
the world, you will love your prison.
Plato warned us by the allegory of the cave, when the masses no longer
think, they just accept the world they live in because they benefit for not
questioning, acting out as selvages, super monkeys with great addictions
and the sure power by mass ignorance.
IMHO we are a spirit, conscience having a human experience, not the
other way around... when we dream, we see for ourselves what is the
world to come, when we really create what we believe is important, and
where ther creativity INSIDE goes OUTSIDE as figments of reality.
Im not talking BS... put yourself in a trance while you normally go to
sleep and you can see for yourself... inumerous people teach this, you
just have to loose fear and give it a try.
Im sorry to dump this here, but sometimes I need to write down, hoping
to change reality or even make a small ripple on the pond of the