posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:49 AM
Are the NWO supporters here familiar with problem-reaction-solution? No offense, but you sound like a bunch of misanthropes. The OP doesn't reall y
supports the NWO, but sees the NWO as punishment for the sheep of this world and hence thorougly deserved. That is not really, "I support NWO"
that's more like, "I hate people, die you idiots!" in reality the OP will be fighting just as strongly against the NWO, if not stronger, than us
"NWO haters" when he see's his friends and family being whisked away into camps and exterminated or indeed if he himself is whisked away. Then he
will not have the luxury of cheering behind a computer screen, he will face the reality of what NWO really is and why we hate it already.
Anyway about problem-reaction-solution. In this model a problem is created, then the problem engenders a reaction from the public, and then the one
who creates the problem provides a solution. It is a very common, but underhand technique used in politics. The NWO have created the problems you hate
in the first place and the reason you see so many ignorant human beings is not because humans are inherently ignorant, but because they have been made
ignorant. If humans were inherently ignorant, then it would not be possible for their to be humans who were not ignorant. In actuality the real nature
of humanity is knowledge and wisdom, but when this becomes conditioned, the humans becomes ignorant and unwise.
Realise what the NWO is all about. It is not interested in your well being, nor is it interested in the planet's well being, it is an organization
made of very elite and powerful people, who are corrupt to the bone, who want to become like god-class over a slave-class, purely for self-benefit and
for the rush that power brings. Moreover their selling of their planet to outside races for self-gain. These people are nutjobs, their is no
humanitarian or environmental concern, their only concern is for themselves and they will trample over everybody and everyone to ensure they
Let me give you some idea of just how perverted these people are. George Green, a ex-cia whistle blower was working with these powerful guys. When one
of these guys came to his home and saw his attractive daughter he told George, "I want to go to bed with that thing" George was shocked that this
person could absolutely no regard for his daughter as a human being or for the fact that George was her father, he then told him, "She's 14!" and
the man again in utter disregard said, "I don't care"
[edit on 13-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]