posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 10:13 PM
I believe I know how it works.
All matter exists at different dimensions at the same time. For example a baseball exists at the human scale used for playing baseball, but it also
exists on the sub-atomic scale as elements.
Also, our human heads and minds are the same. It exists on the human scale as a part of our body, but also exists on the sub-atomic scale as elements.
Along with our thoughts, which also exist on that sub-atomic scale as energy.
The moment a baseball is hit with a bat, all dimensions are effected. I think this can be examined at a distance. For example, an outfielder who is
facing toward a batter who is 100 feet away. When the batter hits the baseball the outfielder will experience a few delays. First his eyes will see
the ball get hit, and then a short time later he will hear the baseball get hit, because sound is slower than light. HOWEVER, the light isn't
instant either, it too has a delay. So when you see and hear something, it already happened on the sub-atomic scale before you could see it on the
light scale/dimension, and hear it on the sound scale/dimension.
I believe our minds can "sense" things that happen on the sub-atomic scale before or without having to see it or hear it. There must be a type of
energy emitted like light and sound but on the sub-atomic scale. I think we are all connected on the sub-atomic scale.