posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Hey, everybody!
I'm fairly new around here, but I thought you all might want to be informed about a new UFO-themed comic available online.
It's called, coincidentally enough,
"U.F.O.", and it runs in the online comics anthology
Agitainment.comics. It's in the vein of
classic 50's Red Scare sci-fi comics, so if you like those, you might get a kick out of this retro sci-fi romp featuring kooky farmers, flying
saucers, and alien doppelgangers--some good, old-fashioned, nostalgic fun.
[links removed]
Just so I'm not coming here empty handed, here's an image from the latest installment:
Other stories are available there as well, so feel free to explore and post responses.
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[edit on 1-4-2009 by 12m8keall2c]