posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Bumping this thread, because many friends are now MIA.
Lysergic, who popped in over the holidays..COME BACK!
Mechanic32..I MISS YOU.
Enjoies5, buddy..just put the twitter's all good.
Jensouth, Honey BTS is lonely without you. I miss Thelma and Louise.
Shar- never a bigger sweetheart.
Snowflake_obsidian..who chose to be the bts loner, but who's posts i loved to read.
DeadFlagBlues-A rare gem you are buddy, with all the guts and wisdom to back up every post you made.
Bodrul- you grace my Facebook with your presence, but to me you will always be my ATS friend.
That is all for now..
Miss you all very much.