posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 07:46 PM
60minutes did a report tonight ...
On how the company FMC corp ... Ticker -fmc- is exporting an insecticide named Furadan which is banned in Europe and
even heavily controlled in the US, to Africa. Knowing full well that it is being used to kill lions and other predatory animals. It has a bad
reputation in the western world apparently because it is so indiscriminate in what it kills. I really see no difference between this product and
cyanide or ricin, this is nothing more than a poison not an insecticide.
Looking on the companies site there is no mention of the product Furadan.
I am all for profit and free enterprise, that is why I would not have as big a problem with this company, if Furadan sales comprised a greater than 5%
revenue source. I would say more needs to be done on educating the buyers. But from the looks of it, this scumbag company does not derive nearly that
much revenue from the sale of Furadan. Especially considering how cheap they said it was to buy in Africa.
I hope this 60 minutes article will help pressure the company to stop its manufacture or at least its sale to but a select group of clients who they
know use it properly.
Lets see if a good media/news report can have a truly positive effect.
I also know that a beautiful thing about free enterprise is that another company can step in and make the product or bring in a new poison but at
least the elimination of this product would buy some time to try to prevent the same things from happening again.
[edit on 29-3-2009 by Desolate Cancer]