posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 10:03 AM
I could not agree more with the premise of this thread. And what's sad is it will receive little to no responses, and the ones that do response,
will typically be thrashing the ideal behind the thread.
If i may add a few examples to where i believe this thread was heading:
Gender bias primarily rules the Family Courts because our society still buys into the ideal that a mother is a better nurturer than a father. In some
cases this is true, especially when you're dealing with a dead-beat dad. But most dead-beat dads don't even fight for custody (hence their term
"dead beat")
All one really has to do is a google search to find court papers and press coverage of millions of examples of gender bias in our courts just like
this one.
it takes the ideal of correcting sexism too far.
Yes, there are men out in this country that treat women unfairly. But that does not mean to fix it, you treat other men unfairly as well.
I hate that mentality, and feel 0% sympathy for any women who supports it, regardless of what has happened to her.
Our country has made attempts to make things equal...and i give a lot of people credit for that.
But others have come along in attempts to get their own recognition, or pass their own hateful agenda's, and they've turned the tables.
I'm not responsible for something my Great Great Grandfather may have done, so don't hold me as such....otherwise you're just a hypocrite with no
Our country has turned into this neurotic, politically correct, hate machine for men in general, and it really is quite despicable.
What makes things worse, is there are still very large groups of women who still aim to make matters far worse than they are.
These groups of women are largely known as Feminists.
I took a creative writing class when i was in College oh so many years ago, and i had a female teacher for this class. I was one of 3 males in the
classroom i thought it'd be cool ... plus i loved to write, so i signed up.
Our very first paper of the semester was titled "Why women are still persecuted in the work place"
That was the topic she assigned us. We were to cite court cases, press coverage, etc, to show reasons why women are still persecuted.
Well, i was one of three people in the entire class that wrote about why women ARE NOT persecuted any more than any other person in the work place any
longer (because of P.C.) and how in a lot of instances, the attitude has actually done a 180, instead of evening out.
I received a D on my paper because "You did not follow the given topic"
I cited numerous court filings, all kinds of stuff from the news, i believe the minimum was 7 pages, and my report was 18 pages long.
The only reason i was given a bad grade was because i was able to throw it back in her face. I do not believe women are persecuted, and further more,
what kind of topic is that for a facility that promotes higher learning?
After a long, drawn out ordeal with the faculty and dean of the school, our papers received the average grade of all people in the class - a B. Stil
not what it deserved in my opinion, but it was better than a D, so i took my victory and moved on.
This country is eating its self alive with prejudice and bigotry around every corner you turn. Mainly due in part to the MSM propagating "My team"
politics around every turn and getting people mobilized against others based on their ideals and beliefs. Why else would certain MSM outlets be able
to get their listeners uproared over the idea that our President has ties to the Muslim religion (not a political bait, that's a cold hard fact that
can be backed up with a lot of proof, and is used to show the influence media has on the moronic masses)
But, i guess that's the world we live in.
What can ya do, besides stick up for yourself and those you love, and say forget everyone else ? :shrug:
[edit on 30-3-2009 by Fremd]