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A Guide to BBCode on ATS

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posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:24 PM
[color=52D017]I have always thought that the creative possibilities on ATS were nearly endless. More than a single destination, ATS is really more like a thousand destinations. I’m convinced that much of ATS’ success is based upon that simple fact.

One of the things that makes ATS so enjoyable is the degree to which the membership not only controls the substantive content, but the style. To my knowledge, no message board comes close to what ATS offers in this regard.

So after several years of poking around and kicking the tires, here is my contribution to that process.

I hope you enjoy.

A Guide to BBCode on ATS

BBCode looks like Greek, but is really SIMPLE English. For those who fear the technical, you needn’t be concerned. It really is one of the easiest things to master.

BBCode is text surrounded by brackets that changes the way things look in your post. In additional to bold, italic and underline, You can change the color of text and even the size.

Isn’t that fun?

But wait! There’s a whole lot more…

So let’s learn some Greek!


BBCode usually requires two sets of brackets. Most people tend to forget the second set, and when you do, your BBcode will not work.

There are never spaces inside the brackets and the last set always requires a slash (“/”).

What goes inside each pair of brackets is the command you want.

What goes in between each pair of brackets is the item (text or picture) you want to affect.

So, let’s do a quick review:

Open bracket… spaces…..command… spaces…..closed brackets. No spaces. The item you want to affect. No spaces. And again, open bracket… spaces…..slash….. no spaces …..the exact same command found in the first set of brackets… spaces…..closed brackets.

There are some exceptions, but that is the basic building block of most BBCode.

Clear as mud?


  • Bold Text
  • Italic Text
  • Underlined Text
  • Strikethrough Text
  • Colored Text
  • Resized Text
  • Centered Text
  • Right Justified Text
  • Changing Text Font
  • Headline Text
  • Text Lists


  • Hyperlink to another Webpage
  • Embedding an Image
  • Embedding an External Image Link
  • Left Justifying an Image with Wrapping Text
  • Right Justifying an Image with Wrapping Text
  • An Alternative to [ img ] for Embedding an Image
  • Resizing an Image
  • Framing and Centering an Image
  • Quoting External Material
  • Quoting Material from another Post
  • Quoting Material from a News Source
  • Embedding a Code Text Box
  • Embedding an Email Link
  • Embedding a Youtube Video
  • Embedding a Google Video
  • Embedding an ATS Video



    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM

    OK. Let’s move on to some of the possible commands involving text. If things are still unclear, some examples might help:

    Bold Text

    This is bold text.

    Italic Text

    This is italic text.

    Underlined Text

    This is underlined text.

    Strikethrough Text

    This is strikethrough text.

    Colored Text

    This is red text.

    You can replace “red” with one of the colors listed below. (Note: You can either use the text that describes the color or the color code. Either will work, but the color code is best. Sometimes the color text is unpredictable.)

  • LightGrey or C0C0C0
    [color=C0C0C0]Produces Light Grey colored text.

  • DarkGrey or 808080
    [color=808080]Produces Dark Grey colored text.

  • DarkBlue or 0000A0
    [color=0000A0]Produces Dark Blue colored text.

  • LightPurple or FF0080
    [color=FF0080]Produces Light Purple colored text.

  • Orange or FF8040
    [color=FF8040]Produces Orange colored text.

  • DarkPurple or 800080
    [color=800080]Produces Dark Purple colored text.

  • Brown or 804000
    [color=804000]Produces Brown colored text.

  • Burgundy or 800000
    [color=800000]Produces Burgundy colored text.

  • PastelGreen or 00FF00
    [color= 00FF00]Produces Pastel Green colored text.

  • GrassGreen or 408080
    [color=408080]Produces Grass Green colored text.

  • Black or 000000
    [color=000000]Produces Black colored text.

  • Gray0 or 150517
    [color=150517]Produces Gray0 colored text.

  • Gray18 or 250517
    [color=250517]Produces Gray18 colored text.

  • Gray21 or 2B1B17
    [color=2B1B17]Produces Gray21 colored text.

  • Gray23 or 302217
    [color=302217]Produces Gray23 colored text.

  • Gray24 or 302226
    [color=302226]Produces Gray24 colored text.

  • Gray25 or 342826
    [color=342826]Produces Gray25 colored text.

  • Gray26 or 34282C
    [color=34282C]Produces Gray26 colored text.

  • Gray27 or 382D2C
    [color=382D2C]Produces Gray27 colored text.

  • Gray28 or 3B3131
    [color=3B3131]Produces Gray28 colored text.

  • Gray29 or 3E3535
    [color=3E3535]Produces Gray29 colored text.

  • Gray30 or 413839
    [color=413839]Produces Gray30 colored text.

  • Gray31 or 41383C
    [color=41383C]Produces Gray31 colored text.

  • Gray32 or 463E3F
    [color=463E3F]Produces Gray32 colored text.

  • Gray34 or 4A4344
    [color=4A4344]Produces Gray34 colored text.

  • Gray35 or 4C4646
    [color=4C4646]Produces Gray35 colored text.

  • Gray36 or 4E4848
    [color=4E4848]Produces Gray36 colored text.

  • Gray37 or 504A4B
    [color=504A4B]Produces Gray37 colored text.

  • Gray38 or 544E4F
    [color=544E4F]Produces Gray38 colored text.

  • Gray39 or 565051
    [color=565051]Produces Gray39 colored text.

  • Gray40 or 595454
    [color=595454]Produces Gray40 colored text.

  • Gray41 or 5C5858
    [color=5C5858]Produces Gray41 colored text.

  • Gray42 or 5F5A59
    [color=5F5A59]Produces Gray42 colored text.

  • Gray43 or 625D5D
    [color=625D5D]Produces Gray43 colored text.

  • Gray44 or 646060
    [color=646060]Produces Gray44 colored text.

  • Gray45 or 666362
    [color=666362]Produces Gray45 colored text.

  • Gray46 or 696565
    [color=696565]Produces Gray46 colored text.

  • Gray47 or 6D6968
    [color=6D6968]Produces Gray47 colored text.

  • Gray48 or 6E6A6B
    [color=6E6A6B]Produces Gray48 colored text.

  • Gray49 or 726E6D
    [color=726E6D]Produces Gray49 colored text.

  • Gray50 or 747170
    [color=747170]Produces Gray50 colored text.

  • Gray or 736F6E
    [color=736F6E]Produces Gray colored text.

  • SlateGray4 or 616D7E
    [color=616D7E]Produces Slate Gray4 colored text.

  • SlateGray or 657383
    [color=657383]Produces Slate Gray colored text.

  • LightSteelBlue4 or 646D7E
    [color=646D7E]Produces Light Steel Blue4 colored text.

  • LightSlateGray or 6D7B8D
    [color=6D7B8D]Produces Light Slate Gray colored text.

  • CadetBlue4 or 4C787E
    [color=4C787E]Produces Cadet Blue4 colored text.

  • DarkSlateGray4 or 4C7D7E
    [color=4C7D7E]Produces Dark Slate Gray4 colored text.

  • Thistle4 or 806D7E
    [color=806D7E]Produces Thistle4 colored text.

  • MediumSlateBlue or 5E5A80
    [color=5E5A80]Produces Medium Slate Blue colored text.

  • MediumPurple4 or 4E387E
    [color=4E387E]Produces Medium Purple4 colored text.

  • MidnightBlue or 151B54
    [color=151B54]Produces Midnight Blue colored text.

  • DarkSlateBlue or 2B3856
    [color=2B3856]Produces Dark Slate Blue colored text.

  • DarkSlateGray or 25383C
    [color=25383C]Produces Dark Slate Gray colored text.

  • DimGray or 463E41
    [color=4.63E+43]Produces Dim Gray colored text.

  • CornflowerBlue or 151B8D
    [color=151B8D]Produces Cornflower Blue colored text.

  • RoyalBlue4 or 15317E
    [color=15317E]Produces Royal Blue4 colored text.

  • SlateBlue4 or 342D7E
    [color=342D7E]Produces Slate Blue4 colored text.

  • RoyalBlue or 2B60DE
    [color=2B60DE]Produces Royal Blue colored text.

  • RoyalBlue1 or 306EFF
    [color=306EFF]Produces Royal Blue1 colored text.

  • RoyalBlue2 or 2B65EC
    [color=2B65EC]Produces Royal Blue2 colored text.

  • RoyalBlue3 or 2554C7
    [color=2554C7]Produces Royal Blue3 colored text.

  • DeepSkyBlue or 3BB9FF
    [color=3BB9FF]Produces Deep Sky Blue colored text.

  • DeepSkyBlue2 or 38ACEC
    [color=38ACEC]Produces Deep Sky Blue2 colored text.

  • SlateBlue or 357EC7
    [color=357EC7]Produces Slate Blue colored text.

  • DeepSkyBlue3 or 3090C7
    [color=3090C7]Produces Deep Sky Blue3 colored text.

  • DeepSkyBlue4 or 25587E
    [color=25587E]Produces Deep Sky Blue4 colored text.

    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM
  • DodgerBlue or 1589FF
    [color=1589FF]Produces Dodger Blue colored text.

  • DodgerBlue2 or 157DEC
    [color=157DEC]Produces Dodger Blue2 colored text.

  • DodgerBlue3 or 1569C7
    [color=1569C7]Produces Dodger Blue3 colored text.

  • DodgerBlue4 or 153E7E
    [color=153E7E]Produces Dodger Blue4 colored text.

  • SteelBlue4 or 2B547E
    [color=2B547E]Produces Steel Blue4 colored text.

  • SteelBlue or 4863A0
    [color=4863A0]Produces Steel Blue colored text.

  • SlateBlue2 or 6960EC
    [color=6960EC]Produces Slate Blue2 colored text.

  • Violet or 8D38C9
    [color=8D38C9]Produces Violet colored text.

  • MediumPurple3 or 7A5DC7
    [color=7A5DC7]Produces Medium Purple3 colored text.

  • MediumPurple or 8467D7
    [color=8467D7]Produces Medium Purple colored text.

  • MediumPurple2 or 9172EC
    [color=9172EC]Produces Medium Purple2 colored text.

  • MediumPurple1 or 9E7BFF
    [color=9E7BFF]Produces Medium Purple1 colored text.

  • LightSteelBlue or 728FCE
    [color=728FCE]Produces Light Steel Blue colored text.

  • SteelBlue3 or 488AC7
    [color=488AC7]Produces Steel Blue3 colored text.

  • SteelBlue2 or 56A5EC
    [color=56A5EC]Produces Steel Blue2 colored text.

  • SteelBlue1 or 5CB3FF
    [color=5CB3FF]Produces Steel Blue1 colored text.

  • SkyBlue3 or 659EC7
    [color=659EC7]Produces Sky Blue3 colored text.

  • SkyBlue4 or 41627E
    [color=41627E]Produces Sky Blue4 colored text.

  • SlateBlue or 737CA1
    [color=737CA1]Produces Slate Blue colored text.

  • SlateBlue or 737CA1
    [color=737CA1]Produces Slate Blue colored text.

  • SlateGray3 or 98AFC7
    [color=98AFC7]Produces Slate Gray3 colored text.

  • VioletRed or F6358A
    [color=F6358A]Produces Violet Red colored text.

  • VioletRed1 or F6358A
    [color=F6358A]Produces Violet Red1 colored text.

  • VioletRed2 or E4317F
    [color=E4317F]Produces Violet Red2 colored text.

  • DeepPink or F52887
    [color=F52887]Produces Deep Pink colored text.

  • DeepPink2 or E4287C
    [color=E4287C]Produces Deep Pink2 colored text.

  • DeepPink3 or C12267
    [color=C12267]Produces Deep Pink3 colored text.

  • DeepPink4 or 7D053F
    [color=7D053F]Produces Deep Pink4 colored text.

  • MediumVioletRed or CA226B
    [color=CA226B]Produces Medium Violet Red colored text.

  • VioletRed3 or C12869
    [color=C12869]Produces Violet Red3 colored text.

  • Firebrick or 800517
    [color=800517]Produces Firebrick colored text.

  • VioletRed4 or 7D0541
    [color=7D0541]Produces Violet Red4 colored text.

  • Maroon4 or 7D0552
    [color=7D0552]Produces Maroon4 colored text.

  • Maroon or 810541
    [color=810541]Produces Maroon colored text.

  • Maroon3 or C12283
    [color=C12283]Produces Maroon3 colored text.

  • Maroon2 or E3319D
    [color=E3319D]Produces Maroon2 colored text.

  • Maroon1 or F535AA
    [color=F535AA]Produces Maroon1 colored text.

  • Magenta or FF00FF
    [color=FF00FF]Produces Magenta colored text.

  • Magenta1 or F433FF
    [color=F433FF]Produces Magenta1 colored text.

  • Magenta2 or E238EC
    [color=E238EC]Produces Magenta2 colored text.

  • Magenta3 or C031C7
    [color=C031C7]Produces Magenta3 colored text.

  • MediumOrchid or B048B5
    [color=B048B5]Produces Medium Orchid colored text.

  • MediumOrchid1 or D462FF
    [color=D462FF]Produces Medium Orchid1 colored text.

  • MediumOrchid2 or C45AEC
    [color=C45AEC]Produces Medium Orchid2 colored text.

  • MediumOrchid3 or A74AC7
    [color=A74AC7]Produces Medium Orchid3 colored text.

  • MediumOrchid4 or 6A287E
    [color=6A287E]Produces Medium Orchid4 colored text.

  • Purple or 8E35EF
    [color=8E35EF]Produces Purple colored text.

  • Purple1 or 893BFF
    [color=893BFF]Produces Purple1 colored text.

  • Purple2 or 7F38EC
    [color=7F38EC]Produces Purple2 colored text.

  • Purple3 or 6C2DC7
    [color=6C2DC7]Produces Purple3 colored text.

  • Purple4 or 461B7E
    [color=461B7E]Produces Purple4 colored text.

  • DarkOrchid4 or 571B7E
    [color=571B7E]Produces Dark Orchid4 colored text.

  • DarkOrchid or 7D1B7E
    [color=7D1B7E]Produces Dark Orchid colored text.

  • DarkViolet or 842DCE
    [color=842DCE]Produces Dark Violet colored text.

  • DarkOrchid3 or 8B31C7
    [color=8B31C7]Produces Dark Orchid3 colored text.

  • DarkOrchid2 or A23BEC
    [color=A23BEC]Produces Dark Orchid2 colored text.

  • DarkOrchid1 or B041FF
    [color=B041FF]Produces Dark Orchid1 colored text.

  • Plum4 or 7E587E
    [color=7E587E]Produces Plum4 colored text.

  • PaleVioletRed or D16587
    [color=D16587]Produces Pale Violet Red colored text.

  • PaleVioletRed1 or F778A1
    [color=F778A1]Produces Pale Violet Red1 colored text.

  • PaleVioletRed2 or E56E94
    [color=E56E94]Produces Pale Violet Red2 colored text.

  • PaleVioletRed3 or C25A7C
    [color=C25A7C]Produces Pale Violet Red3 colored text.

  • PaleVioletRed4 or 7E354D
    [color=7E354D]Produces Pale Violet Red4 colored text.

  • Plum or B93B8F
    [color=B93B8F]Produces Plum colored text.

  • Plum1 or F9B7FF
    [color=F9B7FF]Produces Plum1 colored text.

  • Plum2 or E6A9EC
    [color=E6A9EC]Produces Plum2 colored text.

  • Plum3 or C38EC7
    [color=C38EC7]Produces Plum3 colored text.

  • Thistle or D2B9D3
    [color=D2B9D3]Produces Thistle colored text.

  • Thistle3 or C6AEC7
    [color=C6AEC7]Produces Thistle3 colored text.

  • LavendarBlush2 or EBDDE2
    [color=EBDDE2]Produces Lavender Blush2 colored text.

  • LavendarBlush3 or C8BBBE
    [color=C8BBBE]Produces Lavender Blush3 colored text.

  • Thistle2 or E9CFEC
    [color=E9CFEC]Produces Thistle2 colored text.

  • Thistle1 or FCDFFF
    [color=FCDFFF]Produces Thistle1 colored text.

  • Lavendar or E3E4FA
    [color=E3E4FA]Produces Lavender colored text.

  • LavendarBlush or FDEEF4
    [color=FDEEF4]Produces Lavender Blush colored text.

  • LightSteelBlue1 or C6DEFF
    [color=C6DEFF]Produces Light Steel Blue1 colored text.

  • LightBlue or ADDFFF
    [color=ADDFFF]Produces Light Blue colored text.

  • LightBlue1 or BDEDFF
    [color=BDEDFF]Produces Light Blue1 colored text.

  • LightCyan or E0FFFF
    [color=E0FFFF]Produces Light Cyan colored text.

  • SlateGray1 or C2DFFF
    [color=C2DFFF]Produces Slate Gray1 colored text.

  • SlateGray2 or B4CFEC
    [color=B4CFEC]Produces Slate Gray2 colored text.

  • LightSteelBlue2 or B7CEEC
    [color=B7CEEC]Produces Light Steel Blue2 colored text.

  • Turquoise1 or 52F3FF
    [color=52F3FF]Produces Turquoise1 colored text.

  • Cyan or 00FFFF
    [color=00FFFF]Produces Cyan colored text.

  • Cyan1 or 57FEFF
    [color=57FEFF]Produces Cyan1 colored text.

  • Cyan2 or 50EBEC
    [color=50EBEC]Produces Cyan2 colored text.

  • Turquoise2 or 4EE2EC
    [color=4EE2EC]Produces Turquoise2 colored text.

  • MediumTurquoise or 48CCCD
    [color=48CCCD]Produces Medium Turquoise colored text.

  • Turquoise or 43C6DB
    [color=43C6DB]Produces Turquoise colored text.

  • DarkSlateGray1 or 9AFEFF
    [color=9AFEFF]Produces Dark Slate Gray1 colored text.

  • DarkSlateGray2 or 8EEBEC
    [color=8EEBEC]Produces Dark slate Gray2 colored text.

  • DarkSlateGray3 or 78C7C7
    [color=78C7C7]Produces Dark Slate Gray3 colored text.

  • Cyan3 or 46C7C7
    [color=46C7C7]Produces Cyan3 colored text.

  • Turquoise3 or 43BFC7
    [color=43BFC7]Produces Turquoise3 colored text.

    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM
  • CadetBlue3 or 77BFC7
    [color=77BFC7]Produces Cadet Blue3 colored text.

  • PaleTurquoise3 or 92C7C7
    [color=92C7C7]Produces Pale Turquoise3 colored text.

  • LightBlue2 or AFDCEC
    [color=AFDCEC]Produces Light Blue2 colored text.

  • DarkTurquoise or 3B9C9C
    [color=3B9C9C]Produces Dark Turquoise colored text.

  • Cyan4 or 307D7E
    [color=307D7E]Produces Cyan4 colored text.

  • LightSeaGreen or 3EA99F
    [color=3EA99F]Produces Light Sea Green colored text.

  • LightSkyBlue or 82CAFA
    [color=82CAFA]Produces Light Sky Blue colored text.

  • LightSkyBlue2 or A0CFEC
    [color=A0CFEC]Produces Light Sky Blue2 colored text.

  • LightSkyBlue3 or 87AFC7
    [color=87AFC7]Produces Light Sky Blue3 colored text.

  • SkyBlue or 82CAFF
    [color=82CAFF]Produces Sky Blue colored text.

  • SkyBlue2 or 79BAEC
    [color=79BAEC]Produces Sky Blue2 colored text.

  • LightSkyBlue4 or 566D7E
    [color=566D7E]Produces Light Sky Blue4 colored text.

  • SkyBlue or 6698FF
    [color=6698FF]Produces Sky Blue colored text.

  • LightSlateBlue or 736AFF
    [color=736AFF]Produces Light Slate Blue colored text.

  • LightCyan2 or CFECEC
    [color=CFECEC]Produces Light Cyan2 colored text.

  • LightCyan3 or AFC7C7
    [color=AFC7C7]Produces Light Cyan3 colored text.

  • LightCyan4 or 717D7D
    [color=717D7D]Produces Light Cyan4 colored text.

  • LightBlue3 or 95B9C7
    [color=95B9C7]Produces Light Blue3 colored text.

  • LightBlue4 or 5E767E
    [color=5E767E]Produces Light Blue4 colored text.

  • PaleTurquoise4 or 5E7D7E
    [color=5E7D7E]Produces Pale Turquoise4 colored text.

  • DarkSeaGreen4 or 617C58
    [color=617C58]Produces Dark Sea Green4 colored text.

  • MediumAquamarine or 348781
    [color=348781]Produces Medium Aquamarine colored text.

  • MediumSeaGreen or 306754
    [color=306754]Produces Medium Sea Green colored text.

  • SeaGreen or 4E8975
    [color=4E8975]Produces Sea Green colored text.

  • DarkGreen or 254117
    [color=254117]Produces Dark Green colored text.

  • SeaGreen4 or 387C44
    [color=387C44]Produces Sea Green4 colored text.

  • ForestGreen or 4E9258
    [color=4E9258]Produces Forest Green colored text.

  • MediumForestGreen or 347235
    [color=347235]Produces Medium Forest Green colored text.

  • SpringGreen4 or 347C2C
    [color=347C2C]Produces Spring Green4 colored text.

  • DarkOliveGreen4 or 667C26
    [color=667C26]Produces Dark Olive Green4 colored text.

  • Chartreuse4 or 437C17
    [color=437C17]Produces Chartreuse4 colored text.

  • Green4 or 347C17
    [color=347C17]Produces Green4 colored text.

  • MediumSpringGreen or 348017
    [color=348017]Produces Medium Spring Green colored text.

  • SpringGreen or 4AA02C
    [color=4AA02C]Produces Spring Green colored text.

  • LimeGreen or 41A317
    [color=41A317]Produces Lime Green colored text.

  • SpringGreen or 4AA02C
    [color=4AA02C]Produces Spring Green colored text.

  • DarkSeaGreen or 8BB381
    [color=8BB381]Produces Dark Sea Green colored text.

  • DarkSeaGreen3 or 99C68E
    [color=99C68E]Produces Dark Sea Green3 colored text.

  • Green3 or 4CC417
    [color=4CC417]Produces Green3 colored text.

  • Chartreuse3 or 6CC417
    [color=6CC417]Produces Chartreuse3 colored text.

  • YellowGreen or 52D017
    [color=52D017]Produces Yellow Green colored text.

  • SpringGreen3 or 4CC552
    [color=4CC552]Produces Spring Green3 colored text.

  • SeaGreen3 or 54C571
    [color=54C571]Produces Sea Green3 colored text.

  • SpringGreen2 or 57E964
    [color=57E964]Produces Spring Green2 colored text.

  • SpringGreen1 or 5EFB6E
    [color=5EFB6E]Produces Spring Green1 colored text.

  • SeaGreen2 or 64E986
    [color=64E986]Produces Sea Green2 colored text.

  • SeaGreen1 or 6AFB92
    [color=6AFB92]Produces Sea Green1 colored text.

  • DarkSeaGreen2 or B5EAAA
    [color=B5EAAA]Produces Dark Sea Green2 colored text.

  • DarkSeaGreen1 or C3FDB8
    [color=C3FDB8]Produces Dark Sea Green1 colored text.

  • Green or 00FF00
    [color=00FF00]Produces Green colored text.

  • LawnGreen or 87F717
    [color=87F717]Produces Lawn Green colored text.

  • Green1 or 5FFB17
    [color=5FFB17]Produces Green1 colored text.

  • Green2 or 59E817
    [color=59E817]Produces Green2 colored text.

  • Chartreuse2 or 7FE817
    [color=7FE817]Produces Chartreuse2 colored text.

  • Chartreuse or 8AFB17
    [color=8AFB17]Produces Chartreuse colored text.

  • GreenYellow or B1FB17
    [color=B1FB17]Produces Green Yellow colored text.

  • DarkOliveGreen1 or CCFB5D
    [color=CCFB5D]Produces Dark Olive Green1 colored text.

  • DarkOliveGreen2 or BCE954
    [color=BCE954]Produces Dark Olive Green2 colored text.

  • DarkOliveGreen3 or A0C544
    [color=A0C544]Produces Dark Olive Green3 colored text.

  • Yellow or FFFF00
    [color=FFFF00]Produces Yellow colored text.

  • Yellow1 or FFFC17
    [color=FFFC17]Produces Yellow1 colored text.

  • Khaki1 or FFF380
    [color=FFF380]Produces Khaki1 colored text.

  • Khaki2 or EDE275
    [color=EDE275]Produces Khaki2 colored text.

  • Goldenrod or EDDA74
    [color=EDDA74]Produces Goldenrod colored text.

  • Gold2 or EAC117
    [color=EAC117]Produces Gold2 colored text.

  • Gold1 or FDD017
    [color=FDD017]Produces Gold1 colored text.

  • Goldenrod1 or FBB917
    [color=FBB917]Produces Goldenrod1 colored text.

  • Goldenrod2 or E9AB17
    [color=E9AB17]Produces Goldenrod2 colored text.

  • Gold or D4A017
    [color=D4A017]Produces Gold colored text.

  • Gold3 or C7A317
    [color=C7A317]Produces Gold3 colored text.

  • Goldenrod3 or C68E17
    [color=C68E17]Produces Goldenrod3 colored text.

  • DarkGoldenrod or AF7817
    [color=AF7817]Produces Dark Goldenrod colored text.

  • Khaki or ADA96E
    [color=ADA96E]Produces Khaki colored text.

  • Khaki3 or C9BE62
    [color=C9BE62]Produces Khaki3 colored text.

  • Khaki4 or 827839
    [color=827839]Produces Khaki4 colored text.

  • DarkGoldenrod1 or FBB117
    [color=FBB117]Produces Dark Goldenrod1 colored text.

  • DarkGoldenrod2 or E8A317
    [color=E8A317]Produces Dark Goldenrod2 colored text.

  • DarkGoldenrod3 or C58917
    [color=C58917]Produces Dark Goldenrod3 colored text.

  • Sienna1 or F87431
    [color=F87431]Produces Sienna1 colored text.

  • Sienna2 or E66C2C
    [color=E66C2C]Produces Sienna2 colored text.

  • DarkOrange or F88017
    [color=F88017]Produces Dark Orange colored text.

  • DarkOrange1 or F87217
    [color=F87217]Produces Dark Orange1 colored text.

  • DarkOrange2 or E56717
    [color=E56717]Produces Dark Orange2 colored text.

  • DarkOrange3 or C35617
    [color=C35617]Produces Dark Orange3 colored text.

  • Sienna3 or C35817
    [color=C35817]Produces Sienna3 colored text.

  • Sienna or 8A4117
    [color=8A4117]Produces Sienna colored text.

  • Sienna4 or 7E3517
    [color=7E3517]Produces Sienna4 colored text.

  • IndianRed4 or 7E2217
    [color=7E2217]Produces Indian Red4 colored text.

    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM
  • DarkOrange3 or 7E3117
    [color=7E3117]Produces Dark Orange3 colored text.

  • Salmon4 or 7E3817
    [color=7E3817]Produces Salmon4 colored text.

  • DarkGoldenrod4 or 7F5217
    [color=7F5217]Produces Dark Goldenrod4 colored text.

  • Gold4 or 806517
    [color=806517]Produces Gold4 colored text.

  • Goldenrod4 or 805817
    [color=805817]Produces Goldenrod4 colored text.

  • LightSalmon4 or 7F462C
    [color=7F462C]Produces Light Salmon4 colored text.

  • Chocolate or C85A17
    [color=C85A17]Produces Chocolate colored text.

  • Coral3 or C34A2C
    [color=C34A2C]Produces Coral3 colored text.

  • Coral2 or E55B3C
    [color=E55B3C]Produces Coral2 colored text.

  • Coral or F76541
    [color=F76541]Produces Coral colored text.

  • DarkSalmon or E18B6B
    [color=E18B6B]Produces Dark Salmon colored text.

  • Salmon1 or F88158
    [color=F88158]Produces Pale Turquoise4 colored text.

  • Salmon2 or E67451
    [color=E67451]Produces Salmon2 colored text.

  • Salmon3 or C36241
    [color=C36241]Produces Salmon3 colored text.

  • LightSalmon3 or C47451
    [color=C47451]Produces Light Salmon3 colored text.

  • LightSalmon2 or E78A61
    [color=E78A61]Produces Light Salmon2 colored text.

  • LightSalmon or F9966B
    [color=F9966B]Produces Light Salmon colored text.

  • SandyBrown or EE9A4D
    [color=EE9A4D]Produces Sandy Brown colored text.

  • HotPink or F660AB
    [color=F660AB]Produces Hot Pink colored text.

  • HotPink1 or F665AB
    [color=F665AB]Produces Hot Pink1 colored text.

  • HotPink2 or E45E9D
    [color=E45E9D]Produces Hot Pink2 colored text.

  • HotPink3 or C25283
    [color=C25283]Produces Hot Pink3 colored text.

  • HotPink4 or 7D2252
    [color=7D2252]Produces Hot Pink4 colored text.

  • LightCoral or E77471
    [color=E77471]Produces Light Coral colored text.

  • IndianRed1 or F75D59
    [color=F75D59]Produces Indian Red1 colored text.

  • IndianRed2 or E55451
    [color=E55451]Produces Indian Red2 colored text.

  • IndianRed3 or C24641
    [color=C24641]Produces Indian Red3 colored text.

  • Red or FF0000
    [color=FF0000]Produces Red colored text.

  • Red1 or F62217
    [color=F62217]Produces Red1 colored text.

  • Red2 or E41B17
    [color=E41B17]Produces Red2 colored text.

  • Firebrick1 or F62817
    [color=F62817]Produces Firebrick1 colored text.

  • Firebrick2 or E42217
    [color=E42217]Produces Firebrick2 colored text.

  • Firebrick3 or C11B17
    [color=C11B17]Produces Firebrick3 colored text.

  • Pink or FAAFBE
    [color=FAAFBE]Produces Pink colored text.

  • RosyBrown1 or FBBBB9
    [color=FBBBB9]Produces Rosy Brown1 colored text.

  • RosyBrown2 or E8ADAA
    [color=E8ADAA]Produces Rosy Brown2 colored text.

  • Pink2 or E7A1B0
    [color=E7A1B0]Produces Pink2 colored text.

  • LightPink or FAAFBA
    [color=FAAFBA]Produces Light Pink colored text.

  • LightPink1 or F9A7B0
    [color=F9A7B0]Produces Light Pink1 colored text.

  • LightPink2 or E799A3
    [color=E799A3]Produces Light Pink2 colored text.

  • Pink3 or C48793
    [color=C48793]Produces Pink3 colored text.

  • RosyBrown3 or C5908E
    [color=C5908E]Produces Rosy Brown3 colored text.

  • RosyBrown or B38481
    [color=B38481]Produces Rosy Brown colored text.

  • LightPink3 or C48189
    [color=C48189]Produces Light Pink3 colored text.

  • RosyBrown4 or 7F5A58
    [color=7F5A58]Produces Rosy Brown4 colored text.

  • LightPink4 or 7F4E52
    [color=7F4E52]Produces Light Pink4 colored text.

  • Pink4 or 7F525D
    [color=7F525D]Produces Pink4 colored text.

  • LavenderBlush4 or 817679
    [color=817679]Produces Lavendar Blush4 colored text.

  • LightGoldenrod4 or 817339
    [color=817339]Produces Light Goldenrod4 colored text.

  • LemonChiffon4 or 827B60
    [color=827B60]Produces Lemon Chiffon4 colored text.

  • LemonChiffon3 or C9C299
    [color=C9C299]Produces Lemon Chiffon3 colored text.

  • LightGoldenrod3 or C8B560
    [color=C8B560]Produces Light Goldenrod3 colored text.

  • LightGolden2 or ECD672
    [color=ECD672]Produces Light Golden2 colored text.

  • LightGoldenrod or ECD872
    [color=ECD872]Produces Light Goldenrod colored text.

  • LightGoldenrod1 or FFE87C
    [color=FFE87C]Produces Light Goldenrod1 colored text.

  • LemonChiffon2 or ECE5B6
    [color=ECE5B6]Produces Lemon Chiffon2 colored text.

  • LemonChiffon or FFF8C6
    [color=FFF8C6]Produces Lemon Chiffon colored text.

  • LightGoldenrodYellow or FAF8CC
    [color=FAF8CC]Produces Light Goldenrod Yellow colored text.

  • White or FFFFFF
    [color=FFFFFF]Produces White colored text.

    Resized Text

    You are able to select up to 7 different text sizes

    This is normal text.

    This is resized text at level 1.

    This is resized text at level 2.

    This is resized text at level 3.

    This is resized text at level 4.

    This is resized text at level 5.

    This is resized text at level 6.

    This is text at level 7.

    Centered Text

    This is centered text.

    Right Justified Text

    This is right justified text.

    Changing Text Font

    More fonts may be available than the ones listed below:

  • Arial
    This is Arial font.

  • Bookman Old Style
    This is Bookman Old Style font.

  • Boulder
    This is Boulder font.

  • Courier
    This is Courier font.

  • Garamond
    This is Garamond font.

  • Haettenschweiler
    This is Haettenschweiler font.

  • Impact
    This is Impact font.

  • Tahoma
    This is Tahoma font.

  • Times
    This is Times font.

  • Verdana
    This is Verdana font.

    Headline Text

    This is Headline Text.

    Text Lists

    There are three types of list you can create: 1) alpha, 2) numeric, or 3) bulleted.

    Alpha List


    1. This is the first alpha list item.
    2. This is the second alpha list item.
    3. This is the third alpha list item.

    Numeric List


    1. This is the first numeric list item.
    2. This is the second numeric list item.
    3. This is the third numeric list item.

    Bulleted List


  • This is the first bulleted list item.
  • This is the second bulleted list item.
  • This is the third bulleted list item.

    You will notice that bulleted lists don’t require the [ list ] [ /list ] tags and the asterisk [ * ] tag does not require an ending tag.

    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM

    Embedding isn’t so much about changing the format of text, but rather the insertion of certain elements into your posts. These range from links to other webpages, items from other posts, images, and even video.

    In some cases, the formatting is slightly more complicated, but still easily mastered.

    Hyperlink to another Webpage

  • Produces: This is the hyperlink title you chose.


    There are numerous image options available on ATS. While it is possible to resize images using BBCode, it’s often best to have your image already in the size you wish to use.

    Always keep your images below 640x480. Any larger, and the image will fail to display properly.

    Embedding an Image

  • Produces:

    Embedding an External Image Link

  • Produces:

    Left Justifying an Image with Wrapping Text

  • Produces:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac mi nec justo egestas aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus mollis iaculis tortor. Sed vitae nulla a est mollis egestas. Nunc cursus. Donec euismod elementum ligula. In sit amet purus. Maecenas ligula ligula, elementum et, scelerisque nec, dapibus quis, dolor. Proin eu purus ac mi scelerisque semper. Phasellus varius justo vitae lacus. In vel odio at nibh vulputate bibendum. Maecenas velit orci, pulvinar sed, tempor non, eleifend vel, eros. Mauris fringilla fringilla dolor. Aenean quis lacus at lorem imperdiet dignissim. Maecenas vestibulum velit fermentum arcu. Aenean tincidunt sagittis massa. Cras fermentum.

    Right Justifying an Image with Wrapping Text

  • Produces:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac mi nec justo egestas aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus mollis iaculis tortor. Sed vitae nulla a est mollis egestas. Nunc cursus. Donec euismod elementum ligula. In sit amet purus. Maecenas ligula ligula, elementum et, scelerisque nec, dapibus quis, dolor. Proin eu purus ac mi scelerisque semper. Phasellus varius justo vitae lacus. In vel odio at nibh vulputate bibendum. Maecenas velit orci, pulvinar sed, tempor non, eleifend vel, eros. Mauris fringilla fringilla dolor. Aenean quis lacus at lorem imperdiet dignissim. Maecenas vestibulum velit fermentum arcu. Aenean tincidunt sagittis massa. Cras fermentum.

    An Alternative to *img* for Embedding an Image

  • Produces:

    Resizing an Image

  • Produces:


    Framing and Centering an Image

  • Produces:

    Embedding Boxes

    Quoting External Material

  • Produces:

    This is externally quoted material.

    Quoting Material from another Post

  • Produces:

    This is quoted material from another post.

    Quoting a News Source

  • Produces:

    This is quoted material from a news source.

    Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

    Embedding a Code Text Box

  • Produces:

    This is a code text box.

    Embedding an Email Link

  • Produces: Simon Gray

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces :w:

  • Produces

  • Produces :shk:

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces :bash:

  • Produces :bnghd:

  • Produces

  • Produces

  • Produces

    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:25 PM

    Nesting Tags

    Similar to Russian Nesting Dolls, BBCode tags can be generally nested inside one another.

    For example, simple text can be surrounded by several formatting options all at once:

  • Produces: This is your multi formatted text.

    Even images can be embedded as hyperlinks:

  • Produces:

    (Click on me.)

  • Not all nesting combinations work, so you will have to see which ones do through trial and error. The key, however, is to always nest the closing tags in the opposite order of the leading tags. (Think Russian nesting dolls.) If you don’t do this properly, your nesting combinations will not work.

  • Tags that format text never work as nesting options for tags that embed objects.

    An Important Note

  • Some punctuation will interfere with BBCode. For example, apostrophes found inside *color* tags will make the BBCode fail. If something isn’t working, look for punctuation or special characters between your tags. Chances are those are the items causing you trouble.

    A Helpful Hint

  • If you aren't certain whether something will work with the BBCode, rather than trying to tweak it through several edits in a thread, send yourself a U2U!!! It works just the same and you can privately work out the kinks as many times as you need.


    [color=52D017]So there you have it.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about BBCode...and...!

    Now go have fun!




    (To the Top)

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

  • posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:51 PM
    reply to post by loam

    That my friend is outstanding work!

    Incredibly useful information compiled in one place. A must read for all new ATS members and for those like myself who constantly get this stuff wrong.

    Thank you.

    Oh, and I couldn't see it on your list but I kinda like the [ news ] tag. It gives text from a news source a cleaner look.

    [edit on 28 Mar 2009 by schrodingers dog]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 12:22 AM
    reply to post by schrodingers dog


    Originally posted by schrodingers dog
    Oh, and I couldn't see it on your list but I kinda like the [ news ] tag. It gives text from a news source a cleaner look.

    I forgot about that one. Added it.

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:41 AM
    FABULOUS work, Loam!

    This is fantastic. I bookmarked it and will have to take advantage of some of your pink font BB codes. Just excellent!

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 01:43 AM
    Nice work Loam!

    Just a quick note that some BB code does not work if the text you are including between the tags contains certain characters.

    For example, if you are trying to change the text size of a sentence with an apostrophe it won't work.


    [ size=4 ] Don't do that! [ /size ]
    (minus the spaces)

    will not work.

    Some other characters may also do that and I know for sure the apostrophe does.

    [edit on 29 Mar 09 by Gools]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:25 AM
    reply to post by loam

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to cover this so comprehensively. When I first started posting, I was getting really confused between HTML and BBCode. After reading through your thread, I feel that I have an even greater understanding on how to use BBcode. Great post, thanks heaps.

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 03:04 AM
    Simple and to the point.

    Well done

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:38 AM

    THANK YOU!!!!

    S and F - I will keep this thread handy - I am very impressed with all the work you put into this thread!!

    I have just learned a TON of information too!!


    Edit: I flagged you..... but where is the "star" option? Can't star you too?

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by questioningall]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 10:20 AM
    Thanks folks.

    Incidentally, if anyone can think of anything else I might have missed or see any errors, let me know. I think I'll have a few more hours left on the edit option before these posts close on me.

    Thanks again. Hope you all will find it really useful.....I sure will.

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 11:40 AM
    That was awesome Loam. I bookmarked the page as well. WTG my friend.

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:23 PM
    reply to post by mrwupy

    I'm glad you like it.

    After working this thread out, I did have one question someone might be able to answer.

    What is the purpose of the "code" box?

    I'm not really sure what this is used for.

    [edit on 29-3-2009 by loam]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:46 PM
    reply to post by loam

    It's some sort of geek deal for highlighting source code. You know how if you're telling someone how to format something you have to use spaces where there really are no spaces and so forth or the code "disappears".

    And maybe not. Hey I took a shot.

    [edit on 3/29/2009 by yeahright]

    posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:54 PM

    Originally posted by yeahright
    You know how if you're telling someone how to format something you have to use spaces where there really are no spaces and so forth or the code "disappears".

    Really? It shows for me:

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