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Evidence of Reincarnation

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posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 03:11 AM
Six-year-old James Leininger may be the reincarnation of a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot who was shot down over the Pacific by the Japanese during World War II. James' parents Andrea and Bruce say they are "probably the people least likely to have a scenario like this pop up in their lives." So what has convinced them it's true? James liked to play with toy planes from an early age, but by age two, they started giving him nightmares. Andrea says, "I'd wake him up and he'd be screaming [saying] "Airplane crash on fire, little man can't get out." In a home video when he was three, James seems to be doing a sophisticate preflight check. When she pointed out what she thought was a bomb on the underside of a toy plane, James corrected her and told her it was a "drop tank." She says, "I'd never heard of a drop tank. I didn't know what a drop tank was."

Evidence of Reincarnation

Second Lives: Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?
April 15 � Nearly six decades ago, a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot on a mission over the Pacific was shot down by Japanese artillery. His name might have been forgotten, were it not for 6-year-old James Leininger.

Second Lives

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Ocelot
Six-year-old James Leininger may be the reincarnation of a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot who was shot down over the Pacific by the Japanese during World War II. James' parents Andrea and Bruce say they are "probably the people least likely to have a scenario like this pop up in their lives." So what has convinced them it's true? James liked to play with toy planes from an early age, but by age two, they started giving him nightmares. Andrea says, "I'd wake him up and he'd be screaming [saying] "Airplane crash on fire, little man can't get out." In a home video when he was three, James seems to be doing a sophisticate preflight check. When she pointed out what she thought was a bomb on the underside of a toy plane, James corrected her and told her it was a "drop tank." She says, "I'd never heard of a drop tank. I didn't know what a drop tank was."

Evidence of Reincarnation

Second Lives: Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?
April 15 � Nearly six decades ago, a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot on a mission over the Pacific was shot down by Japanese artillery. His name might have been forgotten, were it not for 6-year-old James Leininger.

Second Lives

I dunno... that's a pretty interesting find there though. I'd sure like to hear more and look into it. Awesome find

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 08:18 AM

Didn't you see the earlier thread on this?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 08:32 AM
[Edited on 21-4-2004 by Ocelot]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 08:37 AM
Maby if it proves reincarnaton it also proves that souls/spirit exists and a higher plane of existance "God"

Your new mind wouldnt be able to remember it but if it was "pre-recorded" in your "soul" it could

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 02:45 PM
Maybe this tells us something that there is a delay between death and reincarnation. Maybe you have to chill in heaven until your next up in line

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 03:27 PM
I has been watching the stephen king kindom hospital so I also watched the report on tv last week and to me is nothing new I has always believe in reincarnation and I have my personal view in the matter I take this things very seriously and I had worked with kindergarden childrens and is amazing the stories that some of this childrens come out with, but when you tell parents about it they scorn the childrens and tell that they have been watching to much tv, but the truth is that some of their stories are very real and they tell them like is part of their lives.

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 03:56 PM
I wholeheartedly believe this ...........
When my son was ALMOST 2 yrs old, I was watching a PBS program about Egypt....they were showing mummys and discussing mummys......they were showing a tiny mummy, obviuosly a child......
My toddler boy looked up at me and said in a baby voice..."Moma? Baby dead? .......dead!....dead!....dead! THEN mummy...thats how do it!"
I agreed with him, and told him he was right....but to this day I have not a CLUE how my little one would understand 'dead'........he is VERY bright, but it really seams to me that he came into this life KNOWING alot of things it takes LEARNING for most of us to understand....he says things like "oh yes I USED to do that...BEFORE".........
I dont promt him to recall the 'before', but Ive always thought he has memories of lives past......he truly seams to carry knowledge of OTHER times on this planet

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Ricta
Maybe this tells us something that there is a delay between death and reincarnation. Maybe you have to chill in heaven until your next up in line

Once I make it to heaven that's it! I'm not comin' back!

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:09 PM
when children start talking thats when they start recalling events but we do not give them any attention, and we miss so much.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:33 PM
Not that i wish to critises this boy or any one who belives in reincarnation (i think that there is alot of logic behind it and belive in it my self) there are some points that are agains the reincarnation theory;

One is that there are more people being born that dieing.
And another that applies to little childen, when they hear words they pick them up for example if a child sits and watches a TV programm then that programm no mater how young they are is in there memory, its when the child gains acces to that memory it can recall it. The boy corrected his mother and said that it was not a bomb, now there is nothing to say that this child has not sat and watched a programm on fighter planes, because it dose say that he was interested in planes. I could say i played with cars when i was younger it dose not mean that i was the reincarnation of a drive.

But when people describe things they have never seen that is truly amazing but as everything in life somethings cannot be explained

Good find by the way

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Ive wondered about my boys exceptional mind often....MAYBE DNA strands also carry memories? I dont know, just a thought............he has never claimed to have been another person living another life....he just KNOWS things that I find unusuall and what does he mean exactly when refering to "Before"????????
I dont want to question him on this line, because I dont want to poison the purity of his 'recall'...what IF I question him and he gets IDEAS from me that were not allready there?
Anyway...I believe that the above childs story is HIGHLY POSSIBLE, especially when I deal with a person like that on a day to day basis...

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:38 PM
Bandit, myself and others have posted severals links on the subject, you can do a search for more detailed info and other links

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:43 PM
Reincarnation is a choice you either reincarnate in this world or on some other world I believe this not the only world in the universe that has living beings

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:49 PM
i have friends who have told me of a close friend of theres who's daughter talks of a past life and in india this has happened quite often where belief in reincarnation is stronger so it procedes into the next life and often the reincarnated soul is more likely to recall its life if in a past life they believed in reincarnation...

i saw a special of a boy who recalled being a black soldier in the war between the states and even remembered his name and they researched it and found it to be true and he even remebered his method of death on the battlefield.............good find Ocelot you and world watcher are my two favorite reporters here on ATS

many lives many masters..........youll notice my signature??

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by watcheroftheskies]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 04:56 PM
Many lives many masters Also the sit of the soul and destiny of soul to name some are very good books on this matter.

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Ive wondered about my boys exceptional mind often....MAYBE DNA strands also carry memories? [Edited on 21-4-2004 by theRiverGoddess]

Ok, there are stories about some people who get organ transplants: I can't remember where I got this from, but I think it was 48 hours some 2 to 3 years ago.

The woman HATED beer with a PASSION (and was a vegitarian)--that is, until she had gotten a heart or something from a young man, whom I believe drank one beer every afternoon with fries and hamburgers--or was it fish and chips? Anyway, the woman started doing the same, as soon as she was allowed to, she started eating that every day. Other people who got this 20/25 year old's organs report similar things. It had lead them to research their doner--he was an only son, and all these people seeking out his parents helped them to heal. Remember, this is GARBLED, since it's been YEARS since I've seen this story. There is souch a thing as cell memory.

Since DNA makes the brain possible (BIG storage center), and there is the idea that OTHER CELLS can store memories--usually higly repetitive things--then it is a fairly reasonable conclusion that DNA may store more than just the making of parts. The thing is that I believe the soul is seperate from the body, and neither controls the other, though they may influence ... memories are one thing and BEING that person is another. That's too much coclusion-jumping, for my taste.

Now, attached to this article is another, under the title:
Forensic Evidence of Reincarnation

Now, here's a concept:

Since there is obviously more than one way to see ghosts--some people see flitting shadows (that's me, usually), see-through people, to this person really being there--and more than one way to talk to them--voice to voice, pantomime--etc., why can't a ghost COMMUNICATE through making some highly receptive person re-live pieces of their lives? Children would have the hardest time with it--it would BE them, as far as a 2 year old could tell. Children are often more affected by the paranormal--at least from personal experience. Why not?

As for how many people are alive at one time or another--it depends on what you believe. Some Creationists believe that before the flood there were more men on the plannet than today, even. Also, if past lives are true, I REFUSE to believe that EVERYONE had a reincarnation--some spirits are fresh. Also, even in some Christian sects, they beleive that animals (mammals, reptillians, birds, octopuses, etc.) DO have spirits, they just don't have authority because their spirit is not like God's.

There are so many possibilities...

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 01:03 PM
this phenomanon has something to do with the idea of collective conciousness

Children can astral project and lucid dream easier than adults. Can this kid be tapping into "the records" of the past thru theses methods

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