posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 08:26 PM
In regards to Dulce and the alleged base, was there ever any photographs, sketches or drawings released that detailed ventilation shafts or where
ventilation shafts might be located on the mesa in regards to the base? As was on the History channels UFO Hunters Episode, the key to authenticating
this bases existence, or any kind of subterranean structure, would be to find and photograph such man made objects in the area.
I was also reading that so called "seismic" or "sonar" surveys were conducted on top of the mesa in multiple areas. Were the results ever released
to the public by the "team" which conducted these investigations? Or is it just another case of "fictional internet hot-air"?
Another thing which strikes me about the Archuleta Mesa and the Dulce area, are the amount of USGS markers in Google Earth pertaining to the amount of
seismic activity in the area in 1966. There's not just one event, but many many events directly underneath the mesa.