posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by croaker013
I realize this is an old thread but it is an issue that I have spent a lot of time researching. To the OP, I have not heard that story. Not sure who
you are referring to but if it was Dylan Carlson he tells conflicting stories and more often than not has been drugged up when giving interviews.
You are right about Rome. It was not a suicide attempt. Even the doctors in the Rome hospital say it was just an accidental OD. Plus, Kurt did not
use Rohypnol........ Courtney Love did as evidenced by an interview she gave while in Europe shortly before Rome. Another interesting fact about Rome
is Courtney's conflicting stories. In one interview she stated that she waited 2 hours to call an ambulance after finding Kurt on the floor with his
coat on and a fist full of cash (her words). If you are committing suicide, then why do you need cash?
Something that many do not know is that upon leaving rehab, Cobain came home to find all 4 tires on his car deflated, and his credit cards canceled.
He wanted Dylan Carlson to buy the gun for protection. Why? The police had taken all Cobains guns after Courtney made a false police report saying he
was suicidal.
There is a lot more evidence such as credit card use after his death and 3 times the lethal dose of heroine in his system.
If you are looking for some more info check out
Cobain Case . This site was set up by Tom Grant the private
investigator that Courtney Love hired to find Kurt. Listen to the recordings from Courtney, Tom, and Rosemary Carrol (the Cobain's friend and