As the heading suggests, if contact has been made...
Why hide it?
There have been numerous threads here on ATS suggesting that governments such as the U.S have made contact with ET’s and have brokered a deal in
which they are presumably working together for both secrecy and some other unknown motives.
Firstly – Mass Hysteria, fine I can somehow understand where this may be applicable in deterring any form of ET disclosure especially concerning MSR
(Main Stream Religion) and its followers. I am by no means a Bible scholar, yet I do believe there to be no mention of ET’s and other universal
Godly creations in the Good Book. To my understanding, MSR concludes that God stopped short on creation after life on Earth…
Is that it…? Not just from a Religious standpoint but of the “implied” catastrophic reaction from the people of Earth from dealing with the
discovery of life elsewhere in the Universe…?
There must be more to it…
Is it technology and the unmanageable advancements it may bring any Nation unwilling to share such a splendor lest it fall into the “wrong hands”
and perhaps used solely for unprecedented militarized purposes, Cold War anyone…?
That in it’s self may have some element of truth but are ET’s that benevolent that folly that they travel light years to another planet only to
trade their big shiny guns…?
My take?
If Governments around the world are working closely with life from afar, I can only conclude, as a Human being I might add that perhaps we Humans and
Earth the planet we call home may possess something of great value to ET’s. Be it anatomical research, or Earthly elements such as water, or
minerals like gold etc that the ET’s either completely lack or may require more of as the final ingredient required for some form of advancement
they are striving to achieve.
Spice this up with Government leader’s seeing this as an opportunity for National advancement via an Astro Trade agreement of sorts and you may just
have yourself an underground or above
alliance between the leaders of the “free” world and those from afar.
Whichever the motive, be it advancement and protection of a nations “people” or simply some other selfish agenda, IMO this is perhaps the most
“logical” reason I could fathom such secrecy from the general populace regarding Life from afar…
We, are Human after all…