posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 09:51 AM
I was outside having a smoke at about 10:00PM EST(GMT-5) on March 25 in northern Oakland County, Michigan. When I was just about finished this object
appeared and was moving very slowly towards and over my house. There was a thick cloud cover and I would estimate that the lowest clouds were no more
than 3000ft. This object was below the cloud layer. I would estimate the height of it at 1500-2000ft and it's speed at roughly 100mph. It moved
towards the west at a constant speed. It didn't speed up or slow down while I was watching it. The entire viewing lasted for about 1 minute.
I had no camera with me, and made no attempt to try and get my camcorder. There wasn't enough time. So, I know this topic won't prove anything, but
I decided to post it anyway in case someone else saw it or something like it recently in the same area.
I made a rough jpg of what I saw on MS Paint to give some visual of what it was. There were 3 lights in a straight line, the outer ones being solid
white lights and the inner one was a pulsing red light. It's hard to describe the red one, but it would slowly fade out until it was almost
completely dark, then go back to a brighter red. I saw no FAA lights on it. It moved in the direction of the arrow on the jpeg file. In all my years
living at this house I have never seen anything like it. The other key information is that it made no sound whatsoever. I can hear commercial jets
flying over 30,000ft, but this thing was pretty close and I heard nothing. No rotors, no jets, no propellers. The last odd thing about the event was
that as it was passing over, our horse went crazy. He started bucking up and was hitting the fence and making loud noises. Foxes and other animals in
the trees nearby were also making very loud screeching noises. They stopped as soon as the object passed by. Could be coincidental, but the timing was
That's about it really. I wish I had some evidence, but I'm not too upset about it. It was fascinating to watch and I'm definitely going to bring
my camera out with me from now on.