posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 11:35 PM
Was flicking back and forth between posts to MyATS, and I spotted a juicy looking title. Something like" NWO letter to the sheeple". Read a bit of
it, some of which was quite freaky to say the least. A well written peice to say the least of it. I made the motions to reply to the thread, and a
screen I am not familiar with flashed up, with the words "you are not permitted to veiw this thread" (which of course I had already been doing)
before being hastily replaced with the (rather well drawn)ATS 404 messege. I returned to MyATS and clicked the original link several times, getting
the 404 again and again.
I can no longer find the thread. Can anyone tell me why ?? I mean is there some work on tonight that could be messing things up?