posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Wake up America - part 1
in Liberty,
Beyond my recent edits, for the sake of my own continuing freedom, the facts remain.
BOTH major political parties are extremists, and extremism is what the War on Terror has been fighting. What do we stand for?
The moral majority rests firmly in the independent and libertarian middle. The reason they don't win elections, is because the EXTREMISTS have all
the money. The moral majority is completely disenfranchized.
This, coupled with propaganda from both the conservative and liberal media (both extremists), make for a recipe for usurpation of my human rights, and
the installment of tyranny over my sovereign body. What we are in, is the most profound and contrived historical events, ever dreamed of by man.
If you think that anyone is capable of stopping this juggernaut, then you aren't up on your x-men lore.
I'm out.
[edit on 25-3-2009 by organism315]