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Over 320 Laid Off in my Company

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posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Just a drop in the pond, I know. But my company, which does enviromental remediation, construction, etc., both for Federal and commercial clients, laid over around 6% of their workforce across the board this week. Was a complete surprise to me.

We of course, were told that our sector of the market was solid. We had work, we were fine, nothing amiss... then *poof*, layoffs without warning. I've been here over 10 years, and this is the largest layoff by far.

I wonder when it will end. Will it really be 10, 15 years, like Ron Paul suggests? Man.. I hope not.

It used to be if someone got laid off, while people were unhappy for them, it was never a serious matter. People might joke about it after a day, or it was no concern to them. Now, people are quite scared for their jobs, it's no longer a laughing matter at all. Maybe people are slowly waking up to how bad it is.

Suggestions: Keep your resume completely up to date. Have cover letters ready to go. Browse the papers weekly for job opportunities. Have a backup plan. Have some food and money tucked away. Because even if your company puts on a cheery face and says "Don't worry, we're fiiiine!" it's probably not really the case.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Sorry to hear about the lay offs. I work at a company that employs about 50 people and they have just laid 3 people off. I know it is not a lot compared to your 320 but percentage wise it is on a a par.

Im only an apprentice so it is pretty scary, especially as I dont go to college and only learn from the company I am in.

We are based in England but most of our clients are in Germany, Czech Republic and France and sales are down about 90% from the main suppliers!!

Im hoping that after the new financial year when departments get there new budgets things will pick up.

I hope they pick up for you, and everybody else too!

[edit on 25-3-2009 by Damien_uk]

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:33 AM
"We of course, were told that our sector of the market was solid. We had work, we were fine, nothing amiss... then *poof*, layoffs without warning."

YUP, that seems to be the case these days. They always LIE to you right before they are booting you out the door.

The Business MODEL in America deserves to fail and fail hard!

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:36 AM
I believe Ron Paul is correct.
Even if the markets go back to normal.
Look at the last crash and following recession.
It lasted 10 years.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Im quite fortunate that the company I work for have been totally honest with us, and are still honest with us (as far as I know).

I work for a family firm and the MD is on site every day, he takes the time to talk too everybody even if it is just a "good morning".

They have put us on a 4 day week, so I lose about £50 a week. But at least I still have a job.

Not every business man has no morals, our directors took a pay cut way before we had too.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Now, people are quite scared for their jobs, it's no longer a laughing matter at all. Maybe people are slowly waking up to how bad it is.

Fear is what they are counting on. People who fear for their jobs don't rock the boat, don't go on holiday, don't call off sick, don't take lunch breaks, don't ask to be paid for overtime...

This allows them to take advanatge of YOU the worker, and you YOU won't do a thing about it because you feel like ( thanks to the media and comapnies taking advanatge of the fear climate ) you might be next.

I work for an international software company. Recently 5% of our workforce was laid off. However our CEO is constantly telling us how well placed we are, and in fact industry press is constantly reporting how the company is well placed to ride through the recession.

Companies use these times to get rid of the chaff, they use this time to do things that they couldn't do when times were "good". A lot of the companies love all the doom and gloom because it allows them to get rid of the excess without the guilt or bad press.

The business model which favours the corporations over the workers deserves to fail, that's international not just in America.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Im only an apprentice so it is pretty scary, especially as I dont go to college and only learn from the company I am in.

I wouldn't worry about that as much then. They seem to be going for the money folks. We've got newer people (under a year in the company), who are 100% overhead, but were not let go. They did let go of folks who have been here 10, 13, and 15 years.

Normal layoffs, they seem to want to keep the experience and knowledge in their company. That seems to have gone out the window a bit, and now they seem to be hitting the middle ground. Releasing maybe not the most skilled folks, but much more experienced ones, if they were making more money than the entry employees.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:54 AM
Were doing good and were in Michigan. Our job section has 125 openings last time I looked . We cut but got rid of the problems

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:59 AM
The people who were made redundant 2 week ago had been there longer than me. But 2 of them had been hired to do my job and been moved to a different section before I was employed.

I'm just keeping my head down, working hard and getting on with it.

Where I work the pay structure is strange, everybody seems to be on different rates, there isn't a standard. So my low wage might work as an advantage, especially as the others on my section are on about double what I'm on.

Lets hope this recession doesn't end up as long as some are predicting, I'd like my normal back and I'm pretty sure there's lots of others out there who feel the same.

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