posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Just a drop in the pond, I know. But my company, which does enviromental remediation, construction, etc., both for Federal and commercial clients,
laid over around 6% of their workforce across the board this week. Was a complete surprise to me.
We of course, were told that our sector of the market was solid. We had work, we were fine, nothing amiss... then *poof*, layoffs without warning.
I've been here over 10 years, and this is the largest layoff by far.
I wonder when it will end. Will it really be 10, 15 years, like Ron Paul suggests? Man.. I hope not.
It used to be if someone got laid off, while people were unhappy for them, it was never a serious matter. People might joke about it after a day, or
it was no concern to them. Now, people are quite scared for their jobs, it's no longer a laughing matter at all. Maybe people are slowly waking up
to how bad it is.
Suggestions: Keep your resume completely up to date. Have cover letters ready to go. Browse the papers weekly for job opportunities. Have a backup
plan. Have some food and money tucked away. Because even if your company puts on a cheery face and says "Don't worry, we're fiiiine!" it's
probably not really the case.