posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 06:05 PM
For the last few weeks I have noticed a trend with my email. I use Microsoft Entourage for my email program, and I get updates from WND, I know it is
not a popular source of information but I like to just know what is going on. Today I noticed my junk email had some messages in it so I decided to
check out what was in there. It turns out that they were all from WND, no big deal right? Well here is the thing that bothered me. I told the program
that messages coming from WND were not Junk emails and to send them to my in box. I have been getting all my messages from WND in my in box for the
last few months but today I noticed that only messages that went to my Junk mail from WND were messages pertaining to the eligibility of Obama.
Yes that is right! just those messages. I would think that if it classified WND as junk mail that ALL of the messages from them would be put in the
junk mail folder although I told the program that anything that comes from WND domain is to go into the in box. Something is very strange about this,
has anyone else noticed this?
[edit on 24-3-2009 by xyankee]