posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Ysterlong
Same thing pretty much. My ATS, Recent Posts, BTS, and sometimes the forum icons directly (but that's rare these days).
When you see an older thread bumped with recent replies, that's usually indicative of someone performing a search term and uncovering that thread.
For instance, if you run a search for 'JFK Assassination' (a popular topic in conspiracy circles), the top two threads are from 2007 and 2006. So
someone could find those in the search, reply, and then bump those threads. That's typically more common for newbies although older members bump
threads, too.
As for threads within the last couple of months, that can also either be done by a search result or someone browsing their favorite forums and seeing
it in the recent posts list of that specific forum (especially slow-moving forums). It could also be the case of members looking at their favorite
author's profiles to see their recent threads.
So you can browse via recent posts, individual forums, BTS, the search feature, My ATS, by author/profile, etc.
These days I generally just stick to My ATS and the main recent posts list, though.