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Crimes against History: Bush to install Archivist

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posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzalez are attempting to replace John Carlin - the widely-respected Archivist of the United States who had been slated to retain the non-partisan position until summer of 2005 - with activist partisan Republican neoconservative shill/hack Allen Weinsein.
Despite the fact that the National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1984 states the position is granted "without regard to political affiliations and solely on the basis of the professional qualifications required to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office of the Archivist."
When combined with last year's attempts to strongarm the National Bureau of Economic Research into back-dating the start of the Bush Recession by three months so they could more credibly blame it on former President Bill Clinton, me thinks it's safe to add "crimes against history" to the long list of impeachable offenses being racked up by this abominable coterie of neo-fascists.

Read about another history re-write attempt here

THe sealed records of his terms in Texas being moved outside of state oversight, the complete seceracy of everything before 9/11 & more hyper accentuated since and now installing a hack who worked for Richard Mellon as the official keeper of the Records......can someone explain this?

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 01:51 PM
Re-friggin-diculous. People will say "oh, don't worry, they wont mess with anything" but that's just a bunch of malarky. Once in there he can do whatever he wants to futher the Bush agenda... Going by the Bush administration's track record, this is not a good thing.

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