ARe there really aliens that live among us and work,live,play as humans and actually have a life here or just diguise themselves as humans or is that
how that they really look us?
super interlects abbilities are all around us its reasonable to think there would be posibly thousands or more alot more surrounding earths atmosphere
if thay were take on bones and skin ect. it is probably for the reason of entering earth as the would easily be able to do this as they can travel
long distances. super interlects probably have a heighrachy mutch like humans they are an eqivilllent of a god with an abillity manipulate energy in
all forms i tried to keep this very blunt so your imagination will grow from the sterio typical crap that you read
if humans ever ammounts to traveling to anonther solar system do think they will leave earth in there present state and just get there exactly how
they existed on earth the body has to left behind as the iterlect travels i feel this is the same for aliens im not saying you cant take the human
body places im just asking but why you only need to addapt then again i dont know what im saying it just a crap theory
My opinion, and opinion only, is that there are not aliens "living among us". I do believe they have been or are here and have had contact with
TPTB. Seems to be a lot more disclosure coming out lately, esp from U.K sources. So, I think we may be getting geared up for confirmation that we
have been visited. Again, just my opinion, i'm basing this strictly on my personal opinion.
most likely humans WILL go to another solar system,Leave earth and go to another planet thats what i hear from people and be friends or foes with
Will aliens be our allies?Or enemies? I don`t know LOL