posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Ishtar is also known as the Sumerian Goddess
Inanna. She is the Goddess of love, fertility, and war.
Although the Akkadian name for the goddess was Ishtar, the Akkadians used Sumerian as a religious language; so their hymns, written in Sumerian, use
the name Inanna.
Personally, I have her cuniform (writing) of her name tattooed on my inner left ankle. Her story of decent to underworld on above link is fascinating
to me.
I used her influence to concieve a successful birth of my one and only. It's my personal opinion you don't need any fancy incantations but, a pure
spirit and motive. It wouldn't hurt to take the normal precautions whenever calling any entity. Do make sure your intentions are pure, Inanna is also
a Goddess of destruction.
You can imagine my suprise when I reached the end of the book 'Rule by Secrecy' by Jim Marrs. If you haven't read it, I don't want to spoil the
ending but Inanna is said to be the granddaughter of the original ancient aliens. So, I hope when they return to collect their gold - I'll get a