posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 02:55 PM
In my house, food is not a problem, neither warmth. But I have no gun. Not really anti gun, but being in Canada, guns are not all the popular.
Since living on my own, there were many breakins around, so I started stashing weapons all over the house. To this day, baseball bat in that corner,
sword on that wall, kendo stick over there, the list goes on. Even outside there are several well placed baseball sized rocks it need be. I mean had
always thought that if I bought a weapon, stocked up on ammo, then HAD to leave the house, Id be ditching all that hard earned well stocked ammo,
which will get stolen by raiding hordes. That does not seem like a good use of time energy and resources.
Id prefer to think that SHTF would not come, but nowadays....... what to do, what to do.
gathering wood, food, making shelter, fire, that is not a problem.. Just the gun thing. If i had to protect myself my raging mob, i would probably
have to join them (inflitration) so that I could get my hands on weapon.
I live in a region that has a couple million people in serveral hundred kilometer range, but just a couple clicks north, it starts to be barren of
people, but full of mountain ranges, forests, and animals, fresh water. I could 1000 kilometers and still be nowhere. Perfect for hiding and living
in. I live in Quebec Province, providing nuke doesnt fall on my head, I could literally lose myself and close survialists in the woods for years, in
need be.
[edit on 28-3-2009 by Le Colonel]