posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 09:40 AM
This is a mixture of Darwinism and spirituality.
What is believed by scientists:
1. 15 billion years ago the big bang happened.
2. 4.7 billion years ago the planet formed.
3. 3 billion years ago, unicellular life appeared.
4. 1 billion years ago, the first animals appeared.
5. In the last 1 billion years, fish walked onto land, dinosaurs evolved, a meteor hit, mammals evolved.
6. In the last 5 million years ago, humanity evolved, along with the capacity to love.
Let me put this a different way.
(1-----------2--3-456) A metaphorical time line.
. (Humans with language and emotion)
...:: (Animals)
...:::::::: (Unicellular and multicullular life)
An ascii representation of growing complexity of life, with humans shown accurately based on how long we have existed.
Computers do what the programmers want the computers to do. A computer only has utility if a computer is serving a sentients needs, as logic has no
Were reality to be a computer, that computer would respond to sentient input in theory, thereby a prayer to God may yet invoke the existance of a true
God that is eternal and loves humans eternally, a true omnipotent, omnibenevolent being.
With regards to sentient input from human beings, humans have always prayed for a loving God, and kind angels, thereby, we may yet have invoked and
helped God to exist and be omnipotent and omniscient and omnibenevolent towards the people of Earth forever, thereby humans may well have encouraged
the evolution of God in the past.
Logically, a God that loves humans cannot have existed prior to human beings feeling love, however a God that encourages the survival of sentience may
well be truly eternal, but the best sentient attitude for such a being is unconditional love towards human beings, me and my people.
Were we to encounter an angel created in mans image by reality, and that angel states "I was created by 'God'", the man may believe the man also
was created by God, rather than evolved from physical matter, hence leading to the slight mistake re creation.
Logically we communicate best with those who relate well to us, ie what speaks our languages, the language of emotion and speach.
With regards to God talking to humans;
"At present, human scientists are attempting to communicate outside our species to primates and cetaceans, and in a limited way to a few other
vertebrates. This is inordinately difficult, and yet it represents a gap of at most a few SQ points. The farthest we can reach our "communication"
with vegetation is when we plant, water, or fertilize it, but it is evident that messages transmitted across an SQ gap of 10 points or more cannot be
very meaningful. What, then, could an SQ +50 Superbeing possibly have to say to us?"
– Robert A. Freitas Jr
I believe in a way, metaphorically, God is a being, and yet creates the method to do so, in a way we understand, I"m uncertain of this belief, almost
a "front-end" of God, in the same way as your OS is a front-end of the logic-gate section your computer runs on.
With regards to the human God...
Well, I truly hope an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent loves my people forever.