Actually, the whole bible is true and here is why.
If anyone of you were to actually read the Hebrew and Greek you would understand that the bible is your story.
The names in the bible for instance are names to the English reader, but not so in the texts they were penned in. The best way I can put this is the
names are exactly like American Indian names. They are verbs, not nouns. God has no respect for individuals, only actions and that is why it is said.
"Those who DO my will are my people". When you do his will, you are his will. His will is that you first love your whole body mind and spirit (him)
and make him holy...which means Healthy. Second is you love your neighbor as yourself...see first commandment.
The names read as actions in the penned languages. King James took advantage of the printing press for political reasons not so that people could be
set free but the opposite. Kings always know the power of media. This is apparent in the King James Version, as God always leaves a way out that men
usually don't see.
Have you never asked yourself why only key words in the bible are "through translated" such as "Golgotha=The skull" or "Emmanuel Louis" Webster
with us....
? Sorry, couldn't resist. Another is Talitha koumi meaning "little girl" or Eloi, Eloi lama Sabachthani meaning "my god, my god, why
have you forsaken me? or even Rabbi meaning Teacher.
These marks were left for you to see and not pass over, but to make you go..."Hey, I wonder what the rest of the words mean?"
God teaches here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept....Baby steps...just like Bob.
The books are sealed to the average reader as Jesus says, "to those on the inside it is given to know the secrets of heaven, but to those on the
outside everything must come in parables."....So it does. Read the English alone and you are getting the parable and will never know what is actually
being said. You'll get the Lucifer version, the guy on the cross and the one who is Marking you well. That's the side of Jesus he warned you
about...I'd listen to him...after all, he's you. You bare the light till you see it and call it good.
Just like every thing else, all the things you need are right in front of you. You just don't recognize them. It doesn't matter how many english
copies match, you will never get the meat, just the pudding and you can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat.
As every believer has heard, it is serious not a joke, you are to beware of the scribes and pharisees (lawyers and religious separatists) yet people
pay no attention and blindly walk off the cliff...God said it, I believe it because ignorance and self righteousness is bliss....Blind Faith is still
Blind, faith or not.
Here is one source I use if anyone is interested.
scripture 4 all Skeptics, check out a chapter and see for
yourself how this story is about you, not people in the's the LIVING WORD...Timeless, but only in what it was written down in. At least,
the closest thing we have to it, but the difference will set you free, because as I said, Blind Faith isn't's blind.
God is true. If it can't be seen, touched looked at and not hidden, it isn't true. Christians, wouldn't it be nice to actually be able to tell some
one about God and not be embarrassed having to argue with people about non existent things? Read the word in the languages they were penned in and you
will never be embarrassed again. You will want to shout it to everyone, because Christianity has nothing to do with Christ, just an Idol and a debt
you are going to pay, after all you've sent a man to death and God requires your blood for that. Don't be fooled anymore...
Some are going to feel this is some sort of New Age thing and I just can not for the life of me understand why someone would not want to know what
someone was actually saying in trade for the loosest translation that can't even express the original thoughts AT ALL. Knowing the English will speed
you along in understanding the original, but not knowing the original will send you to your deaths...He never came to you if you know him, only to
those who didn't know him does he show Grace. If you say you know him, yet don't know his will be held accountable and you will learn
doctrine...just a matter of time and that you can not escape, just ask Captain Hook...tick....tock....tick....tock....that old alligator.