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Chinese-made drywall ruining homes, owners say

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Chinese-made drywall ruining homes, owners say

(CNN) -- Officials are looking into claims that Chinese-made drywall installed in some Florida homes is emitting smelly, corrosive gases and ruining household systems such as air conditioners, the Consumer Product Safety Commission says.
The Florida Health Department, which is investigating whether the drywall poses any health risks, said it has received more than 140 homeowner complaints. And class-action lawsuits allege defective drywall has caused problems in at least three states -- Florida, Louisiana and Alabama -- while some attorneys involved claim such drywall may have been used in tens of thousands of U.S. homes.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 12:19 AM
So after you have purchased a home with a sub-prime mortgage you find out that the materials that were used were of inferior quality.

I am not sure if the American public is ever going to awaken and realize that we are at war with this country whether we realize it or not.

The way of life and quality of products that the American people and consumers have so become used to for so many generations have all been sold for the all mighty buck.

These people(China)are not our friends.They want to destroy us and our way of life.

And they are doing it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 06:18 PM
You destroy yourselves and your own way of life because you want "it" and expect "it" to be the best but you don't want to pay for "it". Then you try to sue someone because blame is easier than responsibility.

"You pays yer money and makes yer choices!"

If you pay cheap you get cheap and if it MATTERS you do your homework before spending money.

And America and China are both synonymous for cheap junk so this is the pot calling the kettle black.

Chinese drywall may be risky to health, but so is McDonalds and that's EVERYWHERE.

This seems more like revenge if you ask me..

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by nerbot

If you pay cheap you get cheap and if it MATTERS you do your homework before spending money.

And America and China are both synonymous for cheap junk so this is the pot calling the kettle black.

Chinese drywall may be risky to health, but so is McDonalds and that's EVERYWHERE.

This seems more like revenge if you ask me..

McDonads has nothing to do with this, and you can eat McDonalds once in a while in moderation, and not get fat.

There are many people that cannot afford expensive stuff, so it just shows your ignoance when you claim that people deserve this because they are buying cheap stuff.

If you are a spoiled, rich kid, or even if you have made the money of your own accord, more power to you. i don't even want to know how you make money, but i find it ironic that you would try to insult people who are poorer than you, and can't afford to buy more expensive homes, or products.

When people buy items, even if they are cheap, they are not expecting for those items to harm them, or even kill them.

i agree with the poster that says the Chinese government is not our friend. it should be apparent by now that they, alongside some others, are trying to harm, weaken, and destroy the United States and it's people.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by Muaddib72]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Muaddib72

greetings muaddib72..

I laugh at YOUR ignorance in presuming who I am and why I made my comments...

1st...I NEVER said McDonalds would make you "fat". It isn't "HEALTHY" though is it?

2nd...I live on a shoestring, I'm certainly NOT a spoiled rich kid but know when NOT to be "tight". I guarantee that YOU have more income than I ever will. It's because of this that I think using common sense and responsibility to meet my NEEDS, not with my wallet and my desires to meet my WANTS.

3rd...If some americans ARE dumb enough to only regard the superficial things when buying a home and not pay closer attention to the materials and more importantly WHO is choosing them then they ONLY have themselves to blame, and to sue the constructors and/or manufacturers is taking finance from the source and only expanding THEIR need to cut financial corners for future home-owners.

4th...your last statement above about the chinese government not being your friend as an excuse for this problem is rediculous! As I said before, it's the pot calling the kettle black.....america is not a country of saints is it and it has it's fair share of "junk" products.

This is about "Drywalling". Do you actually know what you're talking about? There is NO conclusive proof it is causing the problems, other factors must be considered too.....paint, mortar, insulation, glues, mambranes, timber treatment, wallpaper,etc, etc. Or did they all come from china too.

This is so typical...blame someone else rather than take responsibility for your own actions, be they personal or made on your behalf by representatives. (Architects, builders, suppliers, constructors etc).

btw..I am renovating my nice old property and KNOW what goes into it, if I was a "rich-kid" I would get someone else to do it but I would be IGNORANT towards materials used in the process UNLESS I was responsible and didn't just pay attention to the finished product.

Thankyou for your reply.

[edit on 23/3/2009 by nerbot]

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