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Flight Recorder Analysis - Wikipedia Displays Blatant Disinformation Again

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posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by impressme

impressme, you completely ignored my comment about seeing an NTSB readout of the A/P and FMS selected modes from the DFDR.

Not only did I see it, I printed it up, and read it carefully.

It shows a perfectly normal flight, to TOC (that's an acronym for 'Top of Climb') and, co-incides well with the CVR transcript, as published...

It clearly shows normal SOP for UAL, until the hijackers had control, where it shows a perfectly amateurish use of the FMS....along with multiple A/P disconnects and re-connects.

You, as a professional pilot, certainly know that the A/P can disconnect by use of the switch on the control wheel, the largish button on the glare shield, just below the A/P No1 and No2 engage buttons...or pilot input against the A/P by use of force on the control wheel....THAT is what an amateur would do, if the Airplane doesn't go where he wants it to.

I just cannot see how this stuff could be 'faked' on a CVR or DFDR.

Can you????

EDIT...I don't know how to linky....

So, here is the actual NTSB title:

Study of Autopilot, Navigation Equipment, and Fuel Consumption Activity.

Based on United Airlines Flight 93 and American Airlines Flight 77
Digital Flight Data Recorder Information.

Dated February 13, 2002

by John O'Callaghan and Daniel Bower, Ph.D.

A simple googly search, it pops up....

Oh, and thanks to somebody for the anonymous star!!!

[edit on 3/31/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Until we have absolute proof the four planes that crashed that day are the real planes your argument holds no water.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by impressme

impressme....besides adding an animated dancing 'chicken little' have yet to impress US!

I am truly sorry that you, and others, can infer from flimsy evidence that four Transport Category jets are not missing....not to mention all of the humans onboard....

Oh....I was all 'staged'.

Pieces of AAL77 at the Pentagon...oops, I mean....pieces that LOOKED as if they came from an American Airlines B757....mangled pieces, randomly fractured from the fuselage, or other components....scattered about the scene, and no one saw this 'deception' in progress...despite dozens of eyewitnesses to the actual fly-over, and many who saw the impact.

( I personally know someone who saw the jet fly past his apartment balcony, on Columbia Pike...)

There is the infamous photo....of the 'hole' is rarely noted that the photo is taken from within one of the rings....maybe as far in as the center Courtyard. BUT, this photo is proudly bandied as 'proof' that it could not have been an airplane!!

I drove by the Pentagon day after day, on I-395....and SAW the damage to the outside of the building. Of course, I never was allowed in to see the infamous 'proof' photo of the small hole....I saw the collapsed outer wall, of the E-Ring. It's in many, many, many other photos....but seems it's ignored in favor of the other one....why?

Once again, we must address the issue of the CVR and DFDR.

I still claim it to be disengenuous to cling to this 'serial number' nonsense.

Just as the claims of the bits left from the crash sites....S/Ns are NOT stamped on every freakin' piece of metal that is installed on a jet airframe!

Wheelsets are changed frequently....the wheels aren't S/N'd....sure, the LG struts may have numbers, IF they're readable....but, really....come on, metalurgical testing could determine what sort of conditions they'd undergone.

AND, this notion of the 'engines' is a constant battle between the knowing, and the know nots...

The 'know-nots' see the nacelle, and the N1 fan, and think the engine is as big as the cowling!!!!!

The most resiliant components, the ones made of titanium and thus most heat and damage resistant, are the smallest part of the turbine section!

IF they survive these incredible forces and temperatures....they will still be fractured, and likely, to a layman, will appear to be faked.

It is truly a shame....that ignorance blossoms.....

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by TinFoilBat
Isnt he the same guy who has all the "debunking" video's on youtube?

LOL...he supports the 'OFFICIAL' story by deliberate mis showing how all the diesel from the tanks in 7 caused the fire to run rampant, to cause the fall of 7...the 'ONLY' problem, is, 98 % was recovered and NO fuel contributed to the free fall acceleration total global collapse

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 03:21 AM
[edit on 3-4-2009 by hgfbob]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

It is truly a shame....that ignorance blossoms.....

What really is a shame is you are the only one that believes in all this ignorance’s!

impressme....besides adding an animated dancing 'chicken little' have yet to impress US!

I am not in here to impress you, and I like my little chicken to bad you don’t.

( I personally know someone who saw the jet fly past his apartment balcony, on Columbia Pike...)

This thread is not about who you know it is about :
(Flight Recorder Analysis - Wikipedia Displays Blatant Disinformation Again »)

So do you have anything you care to discuss about the topic at hand about wikipedia Disinformation?
I know for a fact anyone can make changes to Wikipedia to fit what agenda they want to present furthermore I don’t trust Wikipedia it is mostly one sided in a lot of their information just read about the events of 911,it is full of disinformation and is mostly one sided the government side. I have research 911 for years and I know for a fact, the government has been lying to us about the events that transpired on 911 one lie after another, and I have to wonder like most Americans why? Why all the lies in the governments reports like NIST on building 7 which doesn’t stand up to real science and all the planes that crash that day where never investigated oh but you wont read about any of those things on Wikipedia like the TRUTH! How about how the FBI lied about Barbra Olsen phone call to her husband describing the highjackers and the media harping on this to no end that is how we were given such details about the so call highjackers on that planes that day on 911. From Barbra Olsen, and her husband call the media, to give his wife’s details and they were air the same day, and then the biggest shocker of all, was years later the FBI has omitted that Barbra Olsen phone call” NEVER” happened. The lie that sold Americans about highjackers on the airplanes. You will not read about that on Wikipedia so, yes, the OP is right about the article at hand.
And You want to call me ignorant! You need to take your head out of the sand boxes, and do some real research and stop parroting the OS because no one is buying it anymore most people on ATS have already done their homework, however you have not.

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by impressme

Nope!!! All you have is 'hearsay'.

Please take a look at the NTSB report I referenced above.

It is the DFDR report of the Autopilot and Navigational System....etc, etc...

Link to it, it's there on the NTSB website....not hard to find.

Airline pilots who are familiar with how the B757/B767 FMS works will understand....perhaps you can invite a friend with a Type-Rating on the B-756 to help you intrepret.

Even those with a Type-Rating on the B-737 will understand....invite them too.

Or, just stick with the ones who fly, mostly, the King-Aires and the CRJs.....and continue to ride on their 'coat-tails'....

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Your information is as well, you have presented what NTBS, and the FBI wanted the public to hear, and read with no proof of where anything thing came from. Therefore, without the proof that these planes belong to AA, or United Airlines then you have presented nothing but hearsay the
government *word* nothing else. well worth a hand wave.

Are you saying that the FBI lied and Barbra Olsen phone calls where real?

BREAKING 9/11 NEWS: FBI Says Barbara Olsen Did Not Call Ted Olsen. Bush Solicitor General LIED
By: atheo on: 21.02.2008 [01:51 ] (673 reads)
by Bill Douglas

The Mother of All Lies About 9/11
Barbara Olson's "Phone Call" From Flight 77

Now back to Wikipedia disinformation Iwill take the word of real pilots who know that we where lied to and have spotted the changes of disinformation on Wikipedia. It is obvious someone is doing their best to stop the truth from being exposed.
I do trust Pilots for 911 truths, they are professional licenses pilots, and they know what they are talking about, moreover, if these guys didn’t think this article was worth looking into they would not post it on their web site. These Pilots have their reputations, and careers on the line as well.

Wikipedia Displays Blatant Disinformation Once Again

No one is disputing this article but you, and all I can say is you are wrong.

[edit on 4-4-2009 by impressme]

[edit on 4-4-2009 by impressme]

[edit on 4-4-2009 by impressme]

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