posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Thank you very much for all your replies. Yes. That secondary entity is indeed my higher self and I know this very well. And you all are right
about automatic writing. It can indeed be used as a method to mess up a lot of things. I explained this in another post but it works something like
Everyone has a perfect creative skill. It's a skill that doesn't need to be expanded on much when you come into life. It is simply the talent you
have that is your most powerful tool for creating your life. Mine is writing. I can easily sit down and write a long fiction story without a
framework in little time. I could do it with very few edits, too.
But this "perfect creative tool" can easily be used for destructive purposes. There was another thread about a book that seemed to be going in this
direction. A couple nights ago I laid down and thought about the book; the title was something like Omega Codes and the End Times. To put it simply,
I got terrified like I hadn't been in a long time.
So in effect, there may be entities that have the ability to make weak minded people write hundreds of pages worth of pure nonsense in order to make
those people harm the world. But the thing is that your most powerful creative tool is just that; it is the ability that is very, very hard to
corrupt if you are in tune with yourself.
If your life gets destroyed because you are attempting to publish a book that would do a lot of harm, then you are experiencing a universal resistance
against the publication of that book. Perhaps the people who write these things are completely innocent; they think they are doing something that
needs to be done.
This is why words are the most powerful tool someone has at their disposal. They don't have to be used to harm anyone and can indeed bring a lot of
good things into your life. You simply have to know how to use them in order to get the results you need. But like I've said, everyone's perfect
creative skill is a little bit different.
I'd say it's a good idea to take everything you hear from people with a grain of salt. That isn't a call to paranoia. It's just a call to
One last thing on a different note. I think it's right what someone said here. You basically have to request these kinds of powers. Eventually,
though, they may seem to go away. I think this means you simply need a break from them. Having these tools at you disposal is nice and enlightening,
but it's good to simply be focused on the more mundane aspects of life at times.