posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM
My birds are extremely quiet at night. I have two large owls that live in by back yard, and a number of red-tailed hawks frequent the area during the
day. There is not a rabbit for miles! Lately the owls have been eating frogs, and I saw a hawk take a squirrel off the ground!
Anyway, I have noticed odd noises and sleeping patterns in a number of wildlife. IE. Raccoons and opossums in daylight, birds at night.
I remember an old adage my Dad repeated from the bible, "Near the end, you will only be able to tell the changing of the seasons by the falling of
the leaves."
I am sure that he paraphrased from Revelations, and it isn't songbirds, but it could be related to our environment getting turned upside down and
inside out.