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Correspondence with the sheriff.

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:11 AM
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 07:54:54 -0800
From: [email protected]
Subject: 9-11 Sheriff
To: [email protected]

Robert Crowder, Sheriff of Martin County, Florida:

I also told a MR. Osborn at the Martin Correctional west of Stuart. It was early in 2001. I was applying for a state job. I told him about the likely coming attacks, and about how I came about getting the information. He just twirled his finger in the air and said---Oh sure, uh huh. And I suppose they are flying around here right now.

Now that I look back at that conversation I have to laugh. Considering the fact that my correspondence with people in saudi Arabia in 1997 contained words about coming to Florida to get flight training, and considering the fact that some of those hijackers did come to south Florida to get the flight training to carry their mission off, they might indeed have been flying around somewhere in this area at the time he said that.

To answer your former question again---I did not make any concerted effort to bring this information to the FBI, the CIA, or any other government alphabet agency. I do not trust such agencies to begin with, or only if I must. Please consider the fact that after six months of precisely worded terrorist threats in Germany in 1979-80, a train I was on in Ireland was derailed killing eighteen and injuring over sixty (including myself), and that the next day a next proposed destination of mine was bombed and that was in a train station too, and eighty-six people were killed by horrible mutilation and 150 were injured. These government alphabet agencies did what amounted to condoning terrorism against me. That did not inspire me with confidence in their motives for doing me or anyone any good.

Anonymous phone calling was all I was willing to do where the government agencies were the matter. They would not have taken any action on the strength of anonymous calls. And frankly, I was very curious to see whether or not I had actually discovered what I thought I had discovered. There was only one way to prove that.

In the end, I told only those people who were within my own personal social range professionally and personally. As for the so called appropriate government agencies, I gave them more consideration in this matter than they had given to me back in the 1980s. At least I did call 911 in Stuart in early 2001. I did tell the deputy sheriff in 1998. I did tell Osborne who is / was an officer of the state of Florida early in 2001. I did discuss this matter at some length with Larry W. Bowman as I was obtaining the information during my correspondences with people, supposedly in Saudi Arabia back in 1997. I did make a very loud public pronouncement detailing the attacks in a public park in Stuart a few weeks before the attacks were carried out, telling all present that they would happen within a few weeks. I did make another anonymous call to law enforcement in Fort Pierce, Florida the night of September 10, 2001. On this las pre-9-11-01 call I omitted the details about planes and the WTC and the pentagon and all that, and I just assured him that a major terrorist attack was coming ver very soon now, but I could not name the exact day and time. But oddly enough, the man on the phone did name the exact time. He kept asking me what I meant by very soon, but I could not say exactly so I kept my mouth shut on that point. At one point he said---What do you mean by very soon, tomorrow morning? That was the night of September 10, 2001.

From that last conversation you can see that the whole plot had in fact been blown wide open. It was really just a matter of getting the information out there to people who were in positions to do something about attacks of that nature. But as I had discovered since 1997, people are unwilling to believe information such as I was giving them. They are totally incredulous on such matters. Getting people to believe the information would have been very very difficult.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Correspondence with Sheriff Ken Mascara of Saint Lucie County, Florida.

Thank you for submitting the following information:
Send_Information_on_CFA: ON
Name: John G. Shaw
Agency: N /A
Address: Stuart
City: Stuart
State: Florida
Country: Martin
Zip_Code: 34994
Phone: NA
Fax: NA
Email: [email protected], ON
B1: Submit

Sheriff Ken Mascara: My name is John G. Shaw. I am 55 and a native resident of Stuart, Florida. In 1997 while teaching in a college in Korea I obtained details regarding plans to attack the WTC and the pentagon using commandeered, fuel-laden aircraft for the demolition. By the time 9-11-01 had rolled around I had told well over 100 people about those coming attacks with details on the intended targets, the method of attack, and the approximate time of attack. My article on the internet web site goes into more detail than I can put here. Click discussion. Click terrorism. Click "Attacks of 9-11-01 Known and Taught Since 1997." I am writing a book on my experiences regarding this matter mentioned in the paragraph above this one. I already have six letters of verification from people I had talked to regarding the attacks of 9-11-01 before they happened. Now I am aiming to get one from law enforcement in Fort Pierce. Here is why-----On the night of September 10, 2001 I phoned in anonymously to one of those numbers you all have on the inside of the front cover page of the Fort Pierce phone book. A man answered the phone. Among other things I told him that a terrorist event was set to happen very soon. I did not give him details like I had others, but I did tell him the event would happen very soon now. He kept trying to get me to give him a time or a date, but all I told him was very soon. That was all I could tell him because that was all I knew as far as the time of the attacks was concerned. As for time, I knew only approximately when it was set to occur. People had not given me an exact time they were going to do it, just that they were seriously considering doing it, and that was way back in 1997. He did say this at one point in the conversation-----What do you mean by very soon? Tomorrow morning? The call I made went out at night, perhaps some time around 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the night of 9-10-01. I called from a public payphone in front of Dunkin Donuts on Okeechobee Road between I-95 and the Turnpike. It is very near the Treasure Coast Inn. I vividly remember calling. There is no question about it. If I could get a copy of a recording of that call I would appreciate it. If there was no recording, I would like to be able to get some kind of letter of verification that that call was made, if possible. Recording or no recording, letter or no letter, the call will be included in my book. If you will read the letter copied and pasted here below this letter to you, you will se that I have already detailed some of this information to Sheriff Bob Crowder in Stuart and to Mario Deludos of the Sheriff Department in Stuart. John G. Shaw Stuart, Florida 34994 [email protected] Robert Crowder, Sheriff of Martin County, Florida: I also told a MR. Osborn at the Martin Correctional west of Stuart. It was early in 2001. I was applying for a state job. I told him about the likely coming attacks, and about how I came about getting the information. He just twirled his finger in the air and said---Oh sure, uh huh. And I suppose they are flying around here right now. Now that I look back at that conversation I have to laugh. Considering the fact that my correspondence with people in saudi Arabia in 1997 contained words about coming to Florida to get flight training, and considering the fact that some of those hijackers did come to south Florida to get the flight training to carry their mission off, they might indeed have been flying around somewhere in this area at the time he said that. To answer your former question again---I did not make any concerted effort to bring this information to the FBI, the CIA, or any other government alphabet agency. I do not trust such agencies to begin with, or only if I must. Please consider the fact that after six months of precisely worded terrorist threats in Germany in 1979-80, a train I was on in Ireland was derailed killing eighteen and injuring over sixty (including myself), and that the next day a next proposed destination of mine was bombed and that was in a train station too, and eighty-six people were killed by horrible mutilation and 150 were injured. These government alphabet agencies did what amounted to condoning terrorism against me. That did not inspire me with confidence in their motives for doing me or anyone any good. Anonymous phone calling was all I was willing to do where the government agencies were the matter. They would not have taken any action on the strength of anonymous calls. And frankly, I was very curious to see whether or not I had actually discovered what I thought I had discovered. There was only one way to prove that. In the end, I told only those people who were within my own personal social range professionally and personally. As for the so called appropriate government agencies, I gave them more consideration in this matter than they had given to me back in the 1980s. At least I did call 911 in Stuart in early 2001. I did tell the deputy sheriff in 1998. I did tell Osborne who is / was an officer of the state of Florida early in 2001. I did discuss this matter at some length with Larry W. Bowman as I was obtaining the information during my correspondences with people, supposedly in Saudi Arabia back in 1997. I did make a very loud public pronouncement detailing the attacks in a public park in Stuart a few weeks before the attacks were carried out, telling all present that they would happen within a few weeks. I did make another anonymous call to law enforcement in Fort Pierce, Florida the night of September 10, 2001. On this las pre-9-11-01 call I omitted the details about planes and the WTC and the pentagon and all that, and I just assured him that a major terrorist attack was coming ver very soon now, but I could not name the exact day and time. But oddly enough, the man on the phone did name the exact time. He kept asking me what I meant by very soon, but I could not say exactly so I kept my mouth shut on that point. At one point he said---What do you mean by very soon, tomorrow morning? That was the night of September 10, 2001. From that last conversation you can see that the whole plot had in fact been blown wide open. It was really just a matter of getting the information out there to people who were in positions to do something about attacks of that nature. But as I had discovered since 1997, people are unwilling to believe information such as I was giving them. They are totally incredulous on such matters. Getting people to believe the information would have been very very difficult. Obtaining the power to effect changes large enough to have prevented the attacks of 9-11-01 from happening was next to impossible for me to have accomplished alone. John G. Shaw Stuart, Florida 34994 [email protected]
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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I'm confused. Hopefully as much as the next person.


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