posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 06:40 PM
That's funny, certain areas of London I (a born English speaker) gets refused service from the guy who was asleep on the counter in the 24 hour
petrol station... All I wan't is a flipping Ginsters pasty!! In fact I will have any thing from that god damn fridge over there!!! It's 4:30 and
the whole night's work has gone south, I'm going to have to work my butt off right up till about 9am where after I have to drive 45 mins to the
office and then 45 mins home to bed!!!
For the love of god!!! whichever one! your choice I would peeeeaaassseee like a Ginsters pasty and a cold can, you get paid nearly as much as I do per
Reply: 'Petrol? Pump number?' (No vehicle is near any pump
m )
Me: 'PPPPAAAASSSSTTTTYYYY' (Pointing emphatically at the fridge)
Reply: 'Petrol? Pump number?'
stress levels raised, belly empty but at least the counter assistant can go back to sleep and dream of sunsets in a foreign land