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The Iranian Drone & the next 9/11

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posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:14 PM
After seeing a video of Fox news coverage leading up to the US invasion of Iraq and their repeated spuing of false info. compared to their 2007+ coverage of Iran and seeing them be almost exact, especially the parts where they talk about 9/11 ... I thought to myself .... how could they set up Iran to make it look like Iran attacked us with a WMD. After a few minutes it hit me ... it won't be Americans on American soil. Maybe it'll be our troops. This drone news "proves" that Iran can get into Iraqi airspace and have access to our men and women over there. One attack ... a 5-10 thousand soldiers (gotta up the ante) dead ... and then then nukes.

Our soldiers are amongst our most beloved and honored. That'll get the American people behind it. Throw in a few thousand of our allies and boom ... Iran is a wasteland ... except somehow those oil fields never had a pebble of sand disturbed ... until an American flag is planted.

Hey it's possible. Some people are evil. If there is an NWO and they truly want world domination ... there ya go ... America's next 9/11 ... and it didn't even happen in America.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:22 PM
Won't happen.

Nobody but Israel or NK is crazy enough to use a WMD, it's just counter productive to things as a whole really.

Second, the next false flag would be on American soil, or else American's won't care. They didn't care about Gitmo cause it happened in Cuba, and it wasn't American citizens.

As far as attacking the troops, they could never santion something like that cause they would need to find some ridiculous reason why they weren 't prepared or didn't see it coming.

You can't plan an attack on an army base or the military in general, when they are operating in war times in a foreign country, they would just sum it up to a normal terrorist attack and throw it in the bin with the rest of them.

In order for them to get support for these things, they need to kill civilians, they are where the real anger and power lie. Because like 9/11 they will need for the people to scream for blood, for somebody to be held accountable.

If they do the attack in a foreign country, it defeats the purpose, there would be no outrage, no crying children and mothers in the news to feed the anger.

If you think about it, we are very use to seeing our troops dead and strung up on the news, we've been watching it for 4 years now, it's become a common thing. People aren't gonna be phased by a couple of thousand more troops dying in one big attack.

Just my humble opinon.


[edit on 3/18/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by SpookshowJon

If you look at the script you will notice that Israel and the US look like they are disagreeing on every issue and that the US does not support Israel's quest for an attack on Iran.
They are giving the illusion of seperation.

For Israel to attack Iran it will have to use Iraq air space, which is currently US air space, a missile or jet flying over from either side should be considered hostile and dealt with.
If the missiles or jets fly from Israel it will be by the blessing of the US,
Iran understands that if anything flies from Israels direction towards it, it will have the US backing and Iran will retaliate and go after US war ships and close the straight of Hormuz.
The US people will get the breaking news during Idol that Iran just performed a sneak attack just like Pearl Harbour and attacked your fleet while they where sleeping with no proviocation at all and will now declare war on Iran. (Joe Bidens unpopular descision)

People love Obama and will say that he is doing the right thing because Iran attacked first, most will not even see that the US was willing to let a couple of carriers get sacrificed in order to go to war.
This of course won't happen for a while, they have to wait for the sanctions to kick in and a stronger relationship with Russia, although Russia will turn against the US very quickly.
The lower dollar value for oil makes it harder for Iran to support itself, at the same time. if China starts slowing up buying the T-bills, the US will have to get the ball rolling sooner rather than later.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by SpookshowJon

If you look at the script you will notice that Israel and the US look like they are disagreeing on every issue and that the US does not support Israel's quest for an attack on Iran.
They are giving the illusion of seperation.

For Israel to attack Iran it will have to use Iraq air space, which is currently US air space, a missile or jet flying over from either side should be considered hostile and dealt with.
If the missiles or jets fly from Israel it will be by the blessing of the US,
Iran understands that if anything flies from Israels direction towards it, it will have the US backing and Iran will retaliate and go after US war ships and close the straight of Hormuz.
The US people will get the breaking news during Idol that Iran just performed a sneak attack just like Pearl Harbour and attacked your fleet while they where sleeping with no proviocation at all and will now declare war on Iran. (Joe Bidens unpopular descision)

People love Obama and will say that he is doing the right thing because Iran attacked first, most will not even see that the US was willing to let a couple of carriers get sacrificed in order to go to war.
This of course won't happen for a while, they have to wait for the sanctions to kick in and a stronger relationship with Russia, although Russia will turn against the US very quickly.
The lower dollar value for oil makes it harder for Iran to support itself, at the same time. if China starts slowing up buying the T-bills, the US will have to get the ball rolling sooner rather than later.

Yep... I pretty much agree. Good post.

The next 911 or event that leads to global chaos and a nuclear conflict will
either begin with Israel attacking Irans nuclear plants, or another false flag attack in the US or Israel thats needed as an excuse to attack Irans nuclear plants.

This nuclear conflict is coming... Will it begin in 2009?

From all the US propoganda msm machines I've seen heating up and war drums getting louder, I'd have to say YES.

Whatta ya think 911 was for?
Why do you think we invaded and are still in IRAQ?
And why do you think the US has returned to Afganistan?

to hunt cave-dwelling box-cutting muslims and bin laden?

yeah sure...

As I was told by a friend in the MARINES a few years ago, THE UNITED STATES IS SURROUNDING IRAN.

All for PROTECTING ISRAEL/ZIONists (who RUN and CONTROL the USA btw) and furthering the NWO agenda.

God helps us all cos the countdown to this future has begun....

Government leaders agree, that in the near future, in an instant, the world that you know will be changed forever. The first act of NUKE TERRORISM will make these things become reality! What will occur?

Your bank will close and your savings will be wiped out
The stock market will crash and all your stocks will become worthless
Real estate will become worthless
Most jobs will be lost and you will probably become unemployed
Martial Law will be forced upon you

This site explains what you need to be doing to SURVIVE the coming Age of Nuke Terrorism. This site also reveals what major US Government officials have already stated. "It is not a question now of 'IF' terrorists will use nuclear weapons, it is now only a question of 'WHEN'

Welcome to the Age of NUKE TERROR

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 06:48 PM
Very Plausible. I found the Iranian drone very suspect. Very possible. If the U.S. government did want to use a false flag operation to get us into a Iran conflict an attack on one of our bases in Iraq would be the way to go. We could also use it as a means to get the Iraq military and government to unify on a common cause. Iraq and Iran have had some seriously costly stalemate wars in the past. A joint Iraq/U.S. force would show the world how far Iraq has come in such a short period of time.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 07:13 PM
I see that Agenda is rolling now fast toward attack in Iran - coming in 90 days...

( We had this same situation last year, almost same time, but fortunately Georgia OP was a mess, and Russia block agendas that time )

- Gaza was the beginning of new push - "Trauma is done" - Enemy is activated.

What is alarming...

- France is back in NATO
- Deepening US attacks around Pakistan are also steps toward Iran.
- Fascist Netanyahu as Israel PM
- S-300 deliveries to Iran again in table
- News from "new" attack orders in IDF
- Hezbollah, Hamas remains out from all negotiations
- Golan Heights are offered to Syria ( Block them out from events )
- Gaza is suffering - trauma making momentum
- USrael public claims from WMDs in Iran
- Freeman outposted from NIC
- Mullens alarm in public
- New energy deal with Russia and Iran
- Khatami retreat from Irans presidential elections

These news, and many more only in few days period - You have to be blind if you cant see where we are heading again - heating the situation.

And what does Obama? - Nothing - of course.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Starred you for that one.

I'm not sure how serious Obama is about pulling people out of Iraq, when, if, but I feel certain that steps will be taken to deal with Iran before there is any reduction of American presence in the neighborhood. It just makes economic sense in budgetary terms.

Iran's president, with all of his bellicose statements over the years has given the CIA a host of options for false flag initiatives.

It is also important to regard Iran and Hamas as one entity. When one does that one sees that there are even more options for trickery leading to widespread military repercussions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that besides the US and Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt want something done about Iran/Hamas.

Another point. The Palestinian Authority was just given 4 or 5 billion dollars by the US. I would like to know the quid pro quo on that monetary transfer.

The situation of Iran at this moment is very much like the one that Saddam Hussein found himself in prior to the first Gulf War. He should have radically changed his attitude as soon as the US started building it's coalition and sending military into the area. That was his moment to learn to grovel.

The Iranians should immediately twin Teheran with Wichita Falls, or Butte, Montana, have an American appreciation day, open their ports to the US Fleet, invite UN inspectors to their nuclear facilities, remove the fatwah from Salmon Rushdie and pray they have done it all fast enough.

If they don't, I think there will be a serious effort at regime change in that country.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by ipsedixit]

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