posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Something that seems to get lost in all of this "poor immigrants just looking for a better life" rhetoric is the fact that we have
immigration laws for definite reasons. It's not merely to keep the have nots out of our honey pot.
To be sure, our politicians want illegal immigrants here for purposes of taxation and commerce and to build up their voter bases.
People such as John McCain and George Bush and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have demonstrated that they were more than willing to violate our own
immigration laws and ignore the will of the American people in the interest of rolling out the red carpet to illegal aliens.
But there are vitally important reasons for keeping the illegals out.
One reason our immigration laws were established was to prevent other nations from shipping their criminals and their insane to our
shores as a means of emptying their prisons and asylums. We don't want homicidal immigrants roaming our streets, okay. Another reason is to thwart
international terrorism, gang activity and drug trafficking across our boarders. Probably the best reason I can think of is to prevent the spread of
exotic diseases from foreign lands. Immigrants should be thoroughly screened for contagious illnesses, don't you agree? Otherwise, our population
panics (and some certainly die) due to these extraordinary outbreaks of Third-World diseases that we can't trace.
So, public safety and national security are the primary reason why we screen and document immigrants and why we have immigration laws.
The height of ignorance and absurdity are these illegal alien sob-stories designed to pluck at our heart strings and compel us to trash our
immigration laws — I mean, in a very real sense, those ninnies who advocate scuttling our immigration laws are talking about voluntarily
endangering America's public health and national security.
Look, I've lived in three major areas of illegal alien occupation around this country. In each of those areas, a significant portion of the crime
rate was directly attributable to illegal aliens — the crimes regularly range from DUI to homicide. In point of fact, my older sister was
kidnapped and raped by an illegal alien back in the 1970s, back when we called them wetbacks down in Texas. That same pig committed suicide
later, and it was revealed that he was mentally ill.
I hear the same complaints from law enforcement agencies all around the country — that, if the illegal aliens are prosecuted, our judicial
system immediately releases the scum back into society. No doubt our judges have orders from on-high. In the very rare cases of deportation,
the illegals return within weeks, and they return repeatedly.
This is all about our government knowingly ignoring our own federal laws, knowingly failing to incarcerate or deport illegal
aliens, and knowingly endangering the American public.
Which is what I call treason, if not outright domestic terrorism on the part of our politicians and judges.
— Doc Velocity