posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Hey all. I'm Jay. Born and raised in Central NJ, moved to Detroit as a teen and currently driving around the US as a driver for Panther Expedited
Services. I am an ex-Sailor. Served in the Navy and discharged honorably in 1988. I love my country, however I fear my government. I am an analyst in
my own right, and feel we have been lied to for many many years. I would say I woke up after 9/11. First I was like most of the sleepers, can't
believe they did this, etc. But after seeing the infamous find the boeing, my eyes opened. And now I have chosen to join you guys and girls here at
ATS. Remember I am a trucker, so I might be driving and can't answer an email or post as fast as I want to. But I will do my best to keep up. Thnx
and see you on the boards.